Chapter Fourteen: They're Gone

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Dan's POV

We walk hand in hand back to PJ's, not saying anything and we walk back into the apartment. We notice that Chris is back and he's the only one in the room currently. We smile at him and he smiles back.

"Where is PJ?" Phil asks.

"He's in his room. He had to head to bed early tonight for work tomorrow. There's tea made on the kettle if you want some."

We both nod and head off into the kitchen, pouring ourselves each a mug. We decide to go and head into our shared room and drink. We sit down on the bed together, our backs against the bed frame and we stay quiet until he decides to speak up.

"Dan.. listen. I didn't mean to get that upset over it. It was just kind of a mix of jealously and anger. I'm truly sorry I did what I did. I shouldn't have left the apartment."

I look over at him and I see he's already looking and we lock eyes, "It's okay. You had every right to be angry and jealous. I should have been less stupid and just told you before now."

He nods, "I think that would have been best but I get why you didn't. You were afraid I would leave you. I would be afraid, too, if I was the one keeping that secret."

"I was afraid you would leave me and let me fall back into my old life.."

"I never want you to fall back into that old life, Dan."

I smile slightly and quickly peck his lips and smiles, returning the favour. I'm about to kiss him fully but I'm stopped by the sound of my phone going off. I pick it up and see that the hospital is calling. I furrow my eyebrows and answer it.


"Hi, is this Daniel Howell?"

"Yes it is."

"Well, I'm sorry to inform you but I'm afraid I have some bad news."

I set my mug down on the bedside table, getting nervous, "What is it?"

"I'm afraid that both your parents have died. They got into a car crash the other night and it was quite severe. We did some tests and found drugs in their systems. They were also very drunk. I'm sorry for your loss, sir-"

I cut her off by hanging up, throwing my phone across the room and I break down into choked sobs. I feel Phil's arms wrap around me and pull me into his lap and I burry my face in his chest, crying harder.

He speaks softly, stroking my hair, "What's wrong, Bear? What happened?"

"My p-parents.. they're.. d-dead.."

I hear Phil take in a sharp breath and he stays quiet. I eventually stop crying, feeling numb all over. They're gone. Forever. I can never get them back. And even though I didn't love them very much, I would have preferred to at least say one last goodbye.

Phil and I just sit on the bed, rocking back and fourth, him humming softly.  I hear him murmur things in my ear but I'm so close to drifting off into sleep that they are hard to make out, but I'm able to make out a few 'I love yous' and 'I'm so sorrys'. I don't miss them. I never loved them. Not after all those terrible things they did to me. Beat me. Lock me in my room for hours at a time, causing me to lose weight at some points during my childhood.

I'm never forgiving my parents for what they did. Never. I can't. It's impossible to. How could you forgive your own parents who are supposed to love you and care for you when all they truly did was be disgusted by you and hurt you every day? Every night? All because of their decisions? It was their fault for getting in that car. And you know what? I'm glad they did.

I'm 18. I can live anywhere and not have to worry about them and I don't have to worry about being put into the system. I can stay with Phil. I can stay with the one person I truly love. I pull away from Phil's embrace and kiss him passionately with every ounce of love I have for him.

He kisses back and we keep like this for a few minutes before pulling away, out of breath. I look him in his eyes, love burning in my heart, saying those three words I feel I've never said enough.

"I love you."

He grins, kissing my cheek, "I love you, too."

I smile, lying down on the bed and pulling him down with me and he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him and cuddle into him, enjoying his body heat. Our legs end up entangled and Phil plays with my hair which is now starting to curl. I sigh happily, forgetting about my parents, knowing I shouldn't think about them again but I know I will along the line. But for now I forget everything and enjoy what I have and what I love.

I love that blue eyed boy I met at the library. I really do. He's everything I could have ever asked for and he's the greatest thing that's ever happened to me.

Just his name makes me grin like an idiot.



Dear reader:
Yes, yes, I know. Short chapter. I'm sorry. Friends of mine have told me I should try to make my chapters longer and I aaaaam trying. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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