Chapter Thirteen: I Need To Tell The Truth

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Phil's POV

"Truth hurts, doesn't it?"

As soon as I hear those words come out of Dan's mouth I turn around, my thoughts filled with anger and sadness. Dan looks hurt, but I don't mind it. He's not the only one who's feeling hurt. Finding out that all along your boyfriend still has feelings for his old ex who just happens to also be yours? And only having to find out through eavesdropping and not being told by them themselves? Yeah, it hurts.

"Yes, Dan, it does! You should have just told me so I didn't have to find out this way."

"I didn't want to tell you. I planned on telling you, but I also planned on you not finding out!"

"Well sometimes plans fail, now don't they?"

He gives me a glare, guilt in his eyes, and I feel a pang of pity for a split second before the anger I'm feeling takes over once more.

"I wanted to tell you, believe me! I've been wanting to tell you for the longest time, and I'm sorry!"

"What were you planning on telling me? 'Oh, you know that PJ guy? Yeah, he's one of my exes and I still have feelings for him.'?"


"Then what were you going to say?!"

"The truth, Phil! The fucking truth!"

"I think I've heard one truth and too many lies from you, Dan."

"Phil, stop."

"Stop what?"

"Stop acting like this. Aren't you glad that you now know the truth? Yes, PJ is one of my exes, YES, I still have slight feelings toward PJ, but you know what? That doesn't matter. What I'm feeling now with you, I've never felt with anyone else! I love you, and only you, and I never want to lose you. I care about you. You mean the world to me, Phil. You make me feel complete."

I stare at him, my expression blank. The anger is gone, and so is the sadness. Replaced with only the feeling of love. No one has ever, ever, said something like this to me and actually meant it. I know Dan means it, just by the way his brown eyes sparkle in the sunshine.

I respond, my voice quiet, "Do you mean it?"

He nods, "I mean it. Every last word."

I walk up to him, looking him in the eyes sincerely and forgivingly. He smiles shyly, returning the gaze, his eyes filled with love and warmth.

"It's hard staying mad at you, you know?" I say with a smirk.

"Is it really? I'm usually hated by so many people."

"Well those people are just twits who aren't worth your time." I say, pulling him closer to me by the hem of his shirt. He rolls his eyes at me.

"Why use the word twit when you can say twat?"

I shrug, "Dunno."

"Awe is poor little Philly too innocent to say twat?" He teases and I give him a small nudge.


"Awe that's so cute. I have an innocent boyfriend who I can make dirty jokes with but he won't get them."

"I may seem innocent, but trust me, I'm really not."

"Is that so?"

"Mhm. But you'll have to wait to see that side of me." I give him a wink, smirking.

"Well that's no fun." He says with a pout.

"Too bad, so sad. Now we should probably head back so Peej doesn't worry about us."

Dan gives me a nod, "Good plan."

I take his hand in mine and he smiles at me and I smile back. What Dan said about me making him feel complete, he's not the only one with that feeling. I've felt more complete and in one piece ever since I've met him. I never want to lose him and I never want to let go of his hand.

I just want to hold him close to me everyday. I'm constantly worrying that one day he'll be taken away from me by something or someone. He means everything to me. He needs to know that. I need to tell him.

I need to just let everything spill.

I need to tell him everything.

I need to tell him the truth.


Dear reader:
Pretty short chapter but very eventful I suppose. Do you think Dan told Phil everything or do you think he's still holding things back? Do you think Phil has more secrets then we think he does? Hmm. :D

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