Chapter Sixteen: Fine. I'll Go.

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Dan's POV

Phil, PJ, and I all walk to the flat to check it out. When we get there, we notice it's quite suitable for two people. It's already furnished with decent looking sofas and chairs, a dining table and kitchen appliances. We walk down the hall to the two rooms that are right across from each other and we both choose our own.

When I walk into my own, I notice that there is already a bed with a black and gray duvet and blue bed sheet. I smile slightly and look around. It's quite empty besides a desk and wardrobe. I smile to myself and turn, walking out into the hall and over to Phil's room.

I walk in and see he has blue, green and other sorts of colours duvet and smile. It's just like him. Colourful and joyful. I walk over to him and see he has his back turned to me and I take this opportunity to do what I've always wanted. Hug someone from behind.

I slowly wrap my arms around Phil's waist and I hear him let out a small gasp and I giggle, resting my chin on his shoulder. When he talks, I hear the smile in his voice.

"Whatcha doing, Bear?"

"Something I've always wanted to do."

He turns around in my arms, wrapping his arms around me and pulls me closer to him and I rest my head on his chest, listening to his heart beat. I let out a small sigh, finding the rhythm calming and we sway gently in his almost empty room.

"Guys there a- OH. Am I uh.. interrupting something?" I hear PJ say as he walks in the room.

I let go of Phil and he does the same, both our faces red with embarrassment, "U-uh, no we were just um-"

"Hey, it's fine. It's cute. I was just going to say that there is another room. You could use it as an office or something. And also I have Chris come over and drop off your things."

We nod and I look over at Phil, "We're home."

He smiles and pecks my cheek, "Yeah, we're home.."

***A few hours later***

Phil and I sit in the lounge, watching the small but decent television. We have everything put where we want it and everything is organized and comfy. Home. A good home. A loving home. A home I'm not afraid to enter everyday. I reach over for my phone and as I do, it begins ringing. I look at the caller ID and I clench my jaw. It's my uncle. What does he want?

"Who is it?" Phil asks, looking over at me.

"My uncle.."

"Well, answer it." He says, scooting closer to me on the sofa. I nod and answer the phone hesitantly.



"Just Dan. Whatcha need uncle Ken?"

"I'm just calling to tell you that the funerals for your parents are next week on Friday. You need to be there."

"Why should I go?" I ask bitterly.

"Because you were their son, Dan."

"Not really, no. Parents shouldn't treat their son like they are nothing but a piece of junk that they can just kick around and beat whenever they please."


"No, I'm not going-"

"Dan you have to go.."

I turn and see Phil still looking at me.

"One minute, uncle Ken," I set the phone down, making sure he won't be able to hear, "No I don't. I wasn't their son."

"Yes, you were."

"Really? Was I really? They never loved me. I loved them when I was younger but when I was younger I though things would get better. And they didn't."

"I'll go with you."

"No, Phil-"

"Yes. I'm going with you and you're going."

I let out a groan and pick up the phone again, "Fine. I'll go."

I hear Ken let out a relieved sigh from the other end, "Good. Also, after the funeral is done and over with, you're coming to live with me and your aunt."

Oh hell no.

"No. I'm not agreeing to that. I agreed to attend the damn funeral but I am NOT living with you. I'm 18. I can go wherever and I found someone I care about very much and I choose to stay with them."

I feel Phil's warm hand slip into my free one and our fingers lace together and I give his hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Alright, fine. Have it your way. But when you come asking for help about anything, don't expect us to help." And with that, he hung up and I let out a sigh, clicking off my phone and setting it aside and I turn toward Phil.

"I'm glad you chose to stay with me," Phil speaks up after a few minutes, "I don't know what I would have done if you went with them-"

"I would have never went with them and just leave you behind. I've already promised you that I'm never going to leave you."

He smiles, giving me a nod, "Come here." He says quietly and he opens his arms and I gratefully enter them, holding him tight.

We finally pull away and I smile sweetly at him and he returns the smile and I scoot over to him, and we continue watching the TV. I rest my head on his shoulder, close to drifting off and I keep blinking to keep myself awake but it only makes me feel more tired.

I eventually give up, closing my eyes, and I feel Phil rest his head upon mine and I smile. I think I drift off as when I wake up again I look around and see I'm in my new room and I see Phil beside me, out like a light and I smile, shifting over to my side and I brush some of his fringe out of his eyes. I smile as I see the corners of his lips lift upwards.

I wrap my arms around him and pull him closer to me, nuzzling my nose into the crook of his neck and close my eyes again, enjoying the feeling of him being here with me. I think about how I'm going to face the funerals of both my parents next week. I end up falling asleep again, and thankfully my dreams are empty.


Dear reader:

I was actually able to make this up to 1k words way to go me.

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