Chapter Twelve: Truth Hurts

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Dan's POV

I roll over in bed and I open my eyes, spotting a sleeping Phil who look's as peaceful in sleep as he does when he's awake. I smile slightly and slip out from underneath the covers, trying hard not to disturb him. I make my way over to the duffel bag that holds the clothes I packed back at his place and rummage through, looking for a good outfit.

I decide to go with the usual black jeans and a white t-shirt and head out of the room into the kitchen to make myself some coffee.

"Well good morning." I hear someone say as I enter the room and I notice that PJ and Chris are sitting on the sofa. I smile warmly and nod.

"Good morning."

"Phil still asleep?" asks Chris.

"Yeah." I say, giving them another nod.

"There's coffee already made if you want some." adds PJ and yawn.

"Thanks." and PJ and Chris nod, turning their attention back to the television screen.

I walk into the kitchen, quickly pouring myself a mug and adding in my sugar and creamer. I grip my slightly chilled hands around my mug and take small drinks. I hear a door close and I walk back out into the lounge and see that Chris has gone somewhere, leaving PJ in the room.

"Ah, Dan. Chris went out for the day. You should come sit," he pipes up, patting the open spot beside him, "I think it's time we catch up. How've you been?"

I walk over slowly, taking a seat, making sure to keep well enough inches between the two of us, and take another drink of my coffee, "I've been alright, I suppose."

"Anything exciting happening in your life? Any new friends? How about your family?"

"No. No. And my family is filled with complete assholes." I reply casually as if it's nothing.

"Well that's depressing. Thank you for that wonderful update on your life." he retorts, the sarcasm seeping over every word.

"Well there's nothing really wonderful in my life right now besides Phil, but it is good to see you again at the least."

"I can say the same. It's quite nice seeing you again after all these years. We basically haven't seen each other since high school."

I nod again, "Yeah.."

"How's things with Phil? Are you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy! He's made my life so much better. I always wonder where I would be now if I hadn't met him at the library."

"You two met at a library?" He asks, giving me a questionable look.

"Yeah.. he's honestly the sweetest guy ever. He makes me feel.. complete. Like I'm not missing anything. I no longer feel that emptiness in my heart."

"You never had the feeling with me?"

I sigh, "No, I didn't.. but don't take that as a 'I didn't like you'. I did like you. And I.. I still do. I've honestly never forgotten you and I miss you a lot-"

"What?" I hear someone say from behind me and I turn and see Phil, tears threatening to spill over.

"Phil, I-"

"No. I think I've heard enough."

"Phil, please.."

"I don't want to hear it. I just need time to think. I'm going out.."

As Phil heads toward the door, I turn back to PJ, "You knew he was listening!"

"I'm pretty sure he deserves to know all this."

"Yeah, he does. But not like this!"

"It's for the best, Dan."

"Shut up, PJ." I snap, quickly setting my mug down harshly on the coffee table and I take off after Phil and finally catch up to him, after running after him for what seems like forever.

"I'd prefer if you wouldn't follow me, Dan."

"Why? We need to talk."

"I don't feel like talking to you right now."

I feel a pang of guilt suddenly hit me and I feel tears burning my eyes, "Phil, come on."

"What you said back there was enough. I don't need to hear more of the truth."

"Truth hurts, doesn't it?"


Dear reader:
Three updates in under three days you're welcome. I'm sorry that this is short, but I made some last minute decisions and deleted out some parts because I thought they weren't needed. Hope you've enjoyed none the less!

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