Chapter Fifteen: It Was Just a Dream

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Dan's POV

***Start of dream***


I feel nothing but pain spreading through out my body.

I open my eyes slowly, adjusting to the dim lighting and I'm laying on a cold, hard surface covered with a red substance. Blood. But who's? Mine? Most likely mine.

I sit up slowly, crying out in pain as my ribs protest against the movement and I look down, lifting up my shirt, revealing bruises and cuts. I wince and slowly stand on my bare feet and call out. No answer. I look around the room and notice only one window, way too far up for my reach. I continue looking around, groaning as I move too fast and have to slow down.

I hear banging and I turn, seeing a door. I call out again.


No answer.

Soon, the door busts open and I see my dad and my mum. I see that they both have nothing in their hands besides a bottle in each hand. They start walking toward me, smirks on their faces and I step back, walking into a wall and I cry out in pain at the contact. They eventually stop a few feet away from me and unscrew the caps from the bottle of pills.

I watch, fear taking over, making me unable to speak and I just watch. I watch as they lift the bottles up to their mouths and-

***End of dream***

I jolt upright in bed, sweat covering my whole body. I let out a strangled cry that was mostly likely supposed to be a scream and I start shaking uncontrollably. I almost watched my parents die right in front of me. I bring my knees up to my chest and hug them tightly, tears streaking down my face.

"Dan?" I hear Phil say quietly, sleep in his voice.

I look down at him and his expression changes from sleep to worry and he sits up, not breaking the gaze he has on me, "Dan, what's wrong? What happened?"

"I-it was just a d-dream, I'm okay.." I look away from him and place my forehead on my knees, trying to steady my breathing.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks me, his voice quiet and soft and loving.

"I-" I let out a shaky breath, peeking over at him, "My parents. I was in this.. room.. and I was injured all over and I was in pain and I.. my parents walked in and they both had a bottle of pills. I almost watched my parents over dose, Phil. I could have watched my parents die right in front me and I wouldn't be able to have helped them."

"It was just a dream, Dan. You're here with me and not in that room and you're perfectly fine, okay?"

I nod, managing a weak smile, "Y-yeah, you're right.."

He pulls me into a hug and I stop shaking eventually and lay back down with Phil, cuddling up to him, trying to forget and hoping when I fall back asleep that I'll dream of something different, and not my parents. They're gone and I need to let them go and get them out of my head.


Phil's POV

I stir around and notice someone's arms wrapped around me and I open my eyes only to be greeted by a sleeping Dan and I smile, letting out a small yawn. I lean, gently giving his temple a small kiss before attempting to crawl out of bed without disturbing him and I walk out into the lounge.

I sit on the sofa and watch the television for a while before I hear Dan walk in and shortly after, so does PJ. I smile warmly over at Dan as he sits besides me and hands me a mug and I gratefully accept, taking a small drink and I look over at PJ.

"Look, guys.. I know you've only been here for a few days but.. I found this really cheap flat not far from here. I'm not trying to seem rude.. but I'd appreciate it if you took the offer. Chris has been busy with UNI work and it's been stressing with four people in this place."

I look over at Dan and he looks back at me and I shrug, "Maybe we should take the offer, Dan."

"But what about r-"

"I can help with the rent for a few weeks, maybe a full month." PJ chimes in, and we look over at him.

"Really? Y-you would do that?"

"Of course! I will keep doing it until you're flat on your feet and settled in."

I smile, getting up and giving PJ a quick hug, "Thanks, Peej. You're the best."

He shrugs, chuckling, "I try."

I look over at Dan who's grinning, his eyes sparkling.

"So, shall we go check out this flat?" I ask, walking over and taking his hands, pulling so he's now standing.

"We shall."


Dear reader:

792 words is good, right? Decent? I hope so. And I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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