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Heyo guys! So, I've been thinking. I think I'm going to end this story here. I, personally, think it's a great stopping point but you know, I could always write a sequel if that's what you'd like. I have an idea already for a sequel and want to try it out but I want to see if you guys would like that. :D So yeah, the last chapter is the very last chapter in this Phanfiction called Library Date, but I hope that you all did enjoy reading it.

Again, let me know if you'd like a sequel to this story and I'll get right on it after I complete or if I am close to finishing my other Phanfiction called '10 Days Falling In Love'. (If you haven't already, you should go read that one as well).

-Maria x

Library Date|Phan (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now