Chapter Six: This Ones My Favourite

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We stay staring into each others eyes for a few minutes. Me lost in his gorgeous blue ones and he lost in my chocolaty brown ones. My smile is still on my face, and I eventually break the gaze by blinking a few times, looking away, the itching on my arms becoming worse. I can't help but start itching, hoping he doesn't question it.

"I uh.. I-I don't know what to say.."

He giggles quietly, looking down into his lap again and I lift up his chin, this time taking the lead and I press a small, loving, gentle kiss onto his lips. When I pull away, he's blushing again and I smile slightly.

"I- Just um- sorry.."

He smiles at me, "It's okay.." I nod and continue itching at my arms and I just can't take it.

"Hey, where's your bathroom?"

"Down the hall, toward the stairs. First door once you get to the stairs." I smile at him and give him a silent thank you before quickly walking out of his room to the bathroom. Once I get in the bathroom, I lock the door and pull up my sleeves. I see that some of the fresh cuts have opened from me itching and are now bleeding.

I sigh quietly, shaking my head, mumbling, "You're such a fucking disgrace, Dan.." I start itching them again, unable to find any bandages in the bathroom and I give up, pulling down my sleeves again. I unlock the bathroom door and walk back into Phil's room. I take my seat next to him again on the bed and he smiles over at me.

"That was quick."

"Yeah, I uh.." I bite my lip.

"Something wrong?" He tilts his head slightly, glancing down at my arms.

I shake my head, biting my lip nervously, "Nope."

He frowns slightly, "You sure?"

I give him a small nod, "Mhm.."

He sighs quietly, "Alright.. I don't believe you, though."

I look down at my arm while itching, "Well, I uh.." He follows my gaze down to my arm and frowns slightly.

"What's wrong with your arm?"

"N-nothing, just an i-itch.."

He bites his lip, "You sure?" I just give him a nod, and he nods back, "So, what do you want to do?"

I smile slightly, shrugging, "I don't mind. You can decide."

He shakes his head, "No, you decide."

I sigh, shaking my head, "Seriously, you decide." I smile slightly to myself remember the memory in the library when we were "fighting" over the book.

"Hmm.. we could watch a movie?"

I nod, "Sounds great."

He puts up his hand, "But first.. you should finish your book."

I smile, quickly getting the book from my bag and I open up the page I left off on and begins to read. And as I expected, when I get to the next chapter, I find a new note. I smile, reading the note slowly, soaking in each word. Each sentence.

'Hello again, Dan! Enjoying the book so far? Sure hope so. Might I say, you look quite handsome today. I can't help but sometimes glance over at you every once in a while when you're reading these notes, seeing your eyes light up and your smile turning into a grin. Your cheeks turning into a nice crimson colour. It's rather cute. But then again, you're cute no matter what. You're probably blushing like mad right now and probably wanting to get back to your book. So, I'll see you sometime later at the next chapter! -Phil x'

When I finish reading, I look over at Phil and he's just beaming with happiness. I smile at him, his positive energy basically filling me and making me happier. I know my dimples are showing as Phil reaches up and pokes them, giggling. I giggle as well, kissing his cheek.

"Do you really mean all this in the notes?"

He nods, still smiling, "Mhm." I smile, blushing still, cuddling up to him as I continue to read. I sigh happily as he places a small kiss on the top of my head, and I soon finish another chapter, coming cross yet another note. I start reading, and I can't help but read it over and over.

'Dan. Danny. Bear. Hm, I like Bear. Can I call you Bear? It's cute. It would suit you. The name Dan suits you, too. I like how it just rolls off my tongue like I'm meant to say your name. The nickname Bear would suit you because, well, some bears are usually brown, right? You've got beautiful, brown eyes that remind me of chocolate. Your hair is brown, and when your fringe goes into your eyes I can't help but notice how cute you look when it partly covers your eyes. You are honestly the most gorgeous person I have ever met, Dan. Never forget that. Now, back to your book, Bear.  -Phil x'

I look over at Phil, my vision slightly blurred by tears and I quickly pull him into an embrace, "I think this one is my favourite.."

He pulls away from the hug, smiling, and kisses my cheek, "I'm glad you like them, Bear."

"I love them," I beam, feeling the blood rising up into my cheeks, "I can't believe you would do this for me.." 

He gives me a shrug, still smiling, "I would do anything for you, really."

I bite my lip shyly, "I'd do anything for you, too, Phil. Honest." He gives me the cutest smile and his pale cheeks are a cute pink. I cuddle up to him more, and I read on, soon coming across the last chapter that contains the last note. I feel his arms snake around my waist and I'm suddenly pulled into his lap. I bite my lip, not yet reading it, "I don't want to read the last one.. I'm scared that it's going to say that this is all a joke or a prank.." He rolls his eyes, chuckling.

"I wouldn't do that, Dan. I promise. But, little spoiler alert. This note is kinda my favourite."

I giggle, "Why is it your favourite?"

"I put a lot of emotions into it, that's why. I think you'll love it." I give him a nod, beginning to read the note. ((Jokes on you guys, I'm not telling you what this one says. :D But I couldn't really come up with any more ideas for notes so yeah.. carry on!))

After I finish, I'm smiling extra wide, my dimples full and deep, and I hug him tight, "You were right, I do love it.."

He smiles, hugging me back, "I knew you would." I smile, pulling away from the hug and I lean in, pressing my lips to his softly and lovingly. He kisses me back gently, smiling into the kiss as I am.

I pull away a few moments later, looking him straight in his eyes. My voice now quiet again, "I really like you, Phil.."

He smiles, his voice quiet as well, "I really like you, too, Dan."

"You do?"

"I do. I really do."

We smile at each other, and this time he leans in, kissing me lovingly. When he pulls away, I rest my head on his shoulder and we stay like this for what seems like an eternity, but I don't mind it. I shift slightly and I don't notice that the sleeves on my sweatshirt rile up, but I'm too late to pull them down, as Phil has already noticed.


Dear Reader:
Ah yes, another chapter. I'm not adding that second note just to troll you. I couldn't come up with any more idea as to what the note could say. Sorry to disappoint. Hope you enjoyed anyways!

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