Chapter Four: Missing Puzzle Piece

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"By taking you home with me," I'm a little taken back by his response. I don't know if he's joking or if he's serious.. and part of me wishes he was both.  Both joking yet serious, "although my parents are drunks, they manage to keep their day jobs. Right now, my parents are currently off on a business trip in the States so I'm basically home alone. What do you think?"

I bite my lip, looking away from him for a moment, considering the offer.. but my mind is already clearly made. Fuck. Yes. My brain is a little slow at processing, so I make my self seem unsure.

"A-are you sure?" Literally.

He gives me a nod, "Yes, I'm sure."

"One hundred percent sure?"

He chuckles, shaking his head, "Yes! I'm one hundred percent sure!"

I can't help but give him a small smile in return, as he is basically grinning like an idiot. I then hug him tightly, but a little hesitantly. I can feel his body tense up but it eases just as fast and I feel his arms wrap around me. It feels warm.. safe, even in his arms.. like I'm safe from everything. My parents. The bullies in the school hallways. Just everything. I bury my face into his broad shoulders, my voice muffled by his jumper, "Thank you.."

I can hear his smile in his voice as he responds, just as quiet, "You're welcome.." I pull away a few moments later, looking straight at him. I bite my lip before leaning in and pressing a small kiss on his cheek. When I pull away from him for the second time, he leans in and kisses my cheek back and I can't help but let out a small giggle as I feel the heat rising up in my cheeks.. I look over his face again and the one advantage of having a pale friend is you can tell when they're embarrassed. Phil's cheeks are a nice, rosy pink and I smile.

"Shall we go?" He says, breaking the silence and also snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Y-yeah, sure." I smile as he holds out his hand to me, and I gladly take it, letting out a sigh as I stand with his help. He's still holding my hand when I'm standing, and he gives it a slight squeeze before letting it go. I pick up my bag, draping it over my shoulder before looking back at him.

"You've got the book, right?" I look down at the table we were sitting at and see, that yet again, I would have forgotten the book if I hadn't paid attention. I quickly grab it, placing it in my bag carefully.

"...Yes... now I do." I smile, and I just know my dimples are showing. It feels nice to smile like this again.. and I giggle quietly. He smiles, and he reaches up a hand but I don't flinch this time and I raise an eyebrow as he pokes my dimple. His cheeks instantly turn bright red again, and he quickly places his hand back down by his side.

"S-sorry.. just a reflex.."

I can't help but smile again at how cute and flustered he looks, "It's okay.. it's a cute reflex," he giggles again, his smile returning, the blush fading, and his tongue slightly pokes out from the side of his mouth when he giggles. I've never noticed before.. damn I really need to start paying attention to him., "Th-that.. is the most c-cutest thing I've ever seen!" It's not long until his blush then returns and he smiles.

"Thanks," he mumbles quietly, looking down at his feet. My smile has basically turned into a grin, and it won't leave my face. It's making my cheeks hurt, especially the one that experienced the power of my fathers hand last night, but I don't mind at all. I miss smiling, and I think it won't be long until I'll stop missing it because it will be a daily thing. My smile. He speaks up again, bringing me back to reality and out of my thoughts, "We should go.. come on.." He starts walking towards the doors and I follow him, keeping quiet. When we get to the doors, I roll my eyes playfully and giggle as he holds the door open for me, "Here you go, sir Dan."

I walk out the door, pretending to tip a fedora, "Why thank you, sir Phil." We keep our eyes on each other, our expressions serious, but it doesn't take long for us both to fall into hysterics. I'm laughing so hard I'm grabbing my stomach, but I don't mind the pain. I'm actually laughing. Really laughing.

I finally get myself together the same time Phil does and both our eyes are watered with tears, not from pain, but from joy. Happiness. It's almost dark outside and the way his blue eyes sparkle in the dim light from the tears makes me just want to stare into them all night, not giving a fuck about anything. Just thinking about him. And only him.

"Oh man.. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life," Phil says, breaking the silence as we walk to his place. I smile, looking over at him as we walk.

"I know I've never laughed that hard in my life!" I exclaim, letting out a small giggle. He smiles, looking back over at me, his eyes still sparkling. I let out a sigh, looking back down at the pavement and I bite my lip, "Are you sure you're okay with me staying at your place?"

He nods, "Of course I am! I wouldn't ask you if I wasn't okay with it, silly."

I can't help but looking back over at him a second time, "Thank you, again.. seriously, you letting me stay with you means a lot. Thank you so so much."

He just smiles, nodding, "You're very welcome." I smile over at him and he turns and smiles back. We then look forward again, and I slowly make my way closer to him. I feel his warmth radiating off his body and I wish I could just hug him and enjoy it for as long as I can. I feel my cheeks get warm again as I feel a hand grab for mine and I know it's Phil's. I smile to myself and oblige to his offer. Our fingers strangle around a bit before they are finally laced together. I glance down at our hands, thinking of how perfectly they fit together. Like a puzzle piece.. and it's weird because I always think of myself as a puzzle piece that will never fit in with another.. but with Phil.. I think I found my missing piece to my puzzle.


Dear Reader: Oh gosh I haven't updated in nearly a week. Sorry bout that! Hope you enjoyed the chapter :D ((P.S: I will try and update sooner!))

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