Chapter Three: The Notes

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I get up slowly out of bed, my face in terrible pain. The bruise is very visible and I let out a groan, knowing that Phil is going to make a big fuss over it. I quickly get changed into a plain, black t-shirt and my regular jeans (black, of course), and throw on a hoodie, throwing the hood up. I pull on my shoes, hoping no one will hear me, and I head out early, too busy thinking about Phil and the call last night. I smile to myself, but then frowning as I remember hanging up on him suddenly all because of my dad. I shake my head and continue walking, taking my time just to clear my head.

When I finally get to the library, I walk over to the spot where Phil and I sat and talked yesterday. I start getting a bit nervous, chewing on my lip. It's a bad habit of mine, and I sometimes wish I would just stop. I don't have to wait long until he shows up, and I can tell he's holding back a smile.

"Hey," he says quietly, sitting down next to me. He looks at me and quickly noticed the bruise, "Oh my god, Dan. What happened?"

I sigh, wanting to change the subject, "H-hey, Phil.."

He raises his hand and I flinch slightly, thinking he might hit me again, which is quite stupid of me. It's Phil. Why would he, out of all people, hit me? He runs his thumb over the bruise, examining it carefully, before speaking softly, "Who did this to you?"

I bite my lip, quickly coming up with a lie, "N-no one.. I just fell over.."

He frowns, "I don't believe you."

I can feel the tears burning my eyes, feeling the warmth of them as a few fall down my cheeks, "Well that's the truth.."

He shakes his head, whispering softly to me, "Please tell me, Dan?"

"It was my dad.." I say quietly, hiding my face in my hands, the tears coming faster.

He sighs quietly, removing my hands from my face, wiping away the tears with his thumb, "Your dad?" I nod. "I'm sorry.." I nod again, a few tears still falling. I notice his sleeve is up but he pulls it back down quickly and I didn't really get to see what he was hiding. Or at least see what he might be hiding. "Um, I have your book!"

"You d-do?" I look up at him, my eyes widening as I notice a hand print on his left cheek. It's very noticeable, and I can't take my eyes off of it, "W-wait, Phil.. what h-happened?"

He shakes his head, speaking quietly, "Don't worry about it, I'm fine.." He smiles slightly, pulling the book I had forgotten here yesterday out of his bag, "and here's your book by the way." He's biting his lip, like he's hiding something. I give him a questionable look before opening up the book, coming across a slip of paper at the first chapter. I cock an eyebrow, beginning to read it slowly.

'Dear Dan,
Hello! So, you're on the first chapter I see? Well, I hope someday we have our own first chapter in our own book we will create together and I hope we have many more chapters to make and create!  -Phil'

I smile down at the note, peeking up at Phil. He's grinning like a complete idiot and I just want to kiss him gently on those soft looking lips. I can feel my cheeks get hot, and I instantly know I'm blushing like mad.

"Y-you did this?"

He looks back at me and nods, still smiling, "Mhm.."

I bite my lip again, blushing and smiling shyly, and I continue on reading, not expecting any more notes, but by the way Phil is looking at me, I'm guessing there are more.
A few minutes later I get to a new chapter, and of course, there is a note. I automatically smile, looking up at him and he's smiling, too. I start reading. It says:

'Dan! You did it! You made it to the second chapter! Great job on not losing interest in the book. If you did you wouldn't have came across this one and the three others. But yes, the second chapter. I'm pretty sure that we might be lucky and start on our own second chapters in our life, whether we are together or not. Have fun reading! -Phil'

I finish reading the note, looking up at him, smiling and blushing still.

"This is the cutest thing.." I smile, my hood falling slightly and I quickly pull it back up, but luckily he isn't paying attention. I quickly lean forward, pulling him into a hug. I pull away and he has the most cutest grin on his face. I notice the hand print on his cheek again and frown. "Phil, seriously, what happened?"

He shakes his head, "It was just my dad last night. He was a bit drunk."

I look at him, worry in my eyes, "Wh-what he.." I kiss his cheek gently where the hand print is, "I won't let him lay a finger on you."

He blushes lightly and he smiles, "I won't let your dad lay a finger on you either if he can create a bruise like that."

"I-it's honestly no big deal.."

"Yes it is, Dan."

"It's not like it makes me look even more ugly because that's impossible.."

"Dan you're not ugly. You're beautiful to me and that's all that counts."

I smile slightly, my response quiet, "You think I'm beautiful?"

He nods, "Yeah."

I smile brighter, "You're beautiful, too."

"I'm really not.."

"Yes. Yes you are. You are honestly the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

His blush is so noticeable, I almost let out a giggle. He look's down at his hands, smiling.

"I uh.. I have to go.." I bite my lip, frowning slightly.

He looks up at me, his smile now replaced with a frown, "Wh-why?"

"I-it's my dad.. if I get home late he'll hurt me and I.." I cut myself off, my voice getting quieter.

Phil shakes his head, "I'm not letting that happen."

I tilt my head, mumbling, "Well how are you going to stop it?"

He smiles slightly, "By taking you home with me."


Dear Reader:
Oi! That was a long chapter! Sorry about that! Hope you enjoyed anyways! :D

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