Chapter Two and a Half: The Phone Call

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Dan's POV

I get home, instantly running up to my room to get on my laptop. It's not until a few minutes after my dad stumbles up the stairs, drunk again, and starts shouting insults at me. I didn't pay attention to him. I kept looking at my computer screen, trying to drone out his slurred words. That's when he slapped me. Hard. I was so taken back that I basically fell over. It was stinging like mad, and I raised my hand up, lightly touching my cheek. It was warm, and I knew it would leave a very noticeable mark.

Tears form in my eyes as my dad laughs, walking back down stairs. I let the tears flow freely down my cheeks, not caring if he comes back up again. I reach into my bag for the book from the library, realizing it's not there. I curse under my breath, remembering I put a slip of paper in the book with my number on it as my book mark. I'm sure if anyone found it they would call. I decided to just sit back and wait, my cheek still burning from the slap.

A few minutes later, I hear my phone ringing. I look to see who's calling and it's an unknown number. I answer it cautiously, still crying quietly.

"Uh.. h-hello?"

"Dan? Is this you?" The voice from the other end sounded so familiar, but I couldn't quite remember.

"Y-yeah? Who is this?" I freeze, the person who's voice this belongs to comes back to me. Phil. It was him. He had the book. He found the paper. "Wait... Phil?"

"Hi, Dan." I can tell he was crying, but I can't think of why he would be. He sniffs, and I can hear in his voice that he has been crying.

"Hey, Phil.. wh-what's wrong?"

"N-nothing," he says, sniffling again, "you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine.." I sniffle myself, but I try and make it seem as if I wasn't crying.

"N-no you're not.. you were crying.. tell me whats wrong, please?"

"I-" my voice starts to crack, "I can't, it's honestly nothing.."

He let's out a sigh, changing the subject, "By the way, you forgot your book at the library.."

"Oh, that's where it was.. I was worried I had dropped it or something." I let out a small chuckle, smiling slightly.

"Don't worry, I have it with me. That's how I found your number." He laughs quietly, which only makes me smile more.


"I kind of.." he sighs, "never mind.."

I raise an eyebrow, a little confused, "O-okay.."

A few seconds of silence go by until he blurts out, "I k-kind of miss you.."

I blush lightly, my smile growing wider, "I kind of miss you, too.."

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"I can't wait to see you, either."

His reply was a small whisper, "Okay.."

I jolt a little as I hear my dad heading back up the stairs. I start to go into panic, quickly rushing out my words to Phil, "I uh.. I have to go. I'm sorry, I'll see you tomorrow."

He lets out a sigh, "O-okay, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, bye." I quickly hang up as my dad bursts into my room, yelling and starts hurting me again. I let out little tiny screams as he slaps my, over and over, and kicks me, causing searing pain to spread throughout my body.

As soon as my dad leaves, I start crying harder, crying myself to sleep, only calming down slightly thinking about the new blue eyed boy I just met at the library. The new blue eyed boy named Phil.


Dear Reader:The reason it says chapter two and a half is because the next chapter is going to be this same chapter, but in Phil's POV. :D Hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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