Chapter Eighteen: Starbucks?

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Phil's POV

After last nights incident with Dan and the whole funeral thing, I knew he wasn't going to be in a good mood today.

It was around 9 am and I was standing in the quite empty kitchen, holding a mug of coffee, taking small sips occasionally and I just stood there, constantly glancing at the clock, waiting for him to wake up. I myself didn't get to bed until around midnight, too busy worrying about Dan. It's been tough for him lately, but I'm not just going to leave him like everyone else.

As I was looking down into my second, half empty mug of coffee, I heard his door open and I instantly perked up, waiting for him to enter to get his breakfast. But he didn't. I heard his feet shuffle toward the bathroom and I heard him enter, closing the door behind him and I waited. Once I heard him turn on the water I set down my mug and quietly made my way to the bathroom door.

"Dan?" I call out quietly after tapping on the door.

I hear a few things fall and a string of curse words leave his mouth, "Yeah?"

"Do you.. do you need anything?" I ask, biting the inside of my lip.

"Er- I- Could you get me a towel and some clothes?"

I nod, even though he can't see me, "Yeah, sure. I'm guessing you want all black?"

"Obviously." He replies and I hear a small chuckle, and I smile to myself.

"Alright, I'll go get them."

"Okay, thank you, Phil."

"You're welcome."

I quickly hurry off into his room, throwing open his drawers and pull out a pair of black, more like gray, sweats and a t-shirt. I bite my lip as I open his drawer to access his underwear and quickly grab a pair. As I head back out to the hall, I grab a towel from the hamper and knock on the door again.

"Do you have them?" I hear him call and I know he's in the shower, thankfully.

"Y-yeah, I have them. Do you want me t-"

"Can you set them in here, please?"

I bite my lip, "S-sure." I hesitantly place my hand over the door knob and open it slowly, before walking in and placing them near the sink.

"Thank you, Philly."

"You're welcome, Danny."

"Agh, don't call me Danny. It's weird."

I giggle, "Alright, alright, Bear. Hurry up and take your shower."



"Would you like to join me?"

As soon as those words leave his mouth, I feel my whole face heat up, "I- Um- I don't-"

"It's okay, Phil. You don't have to join me if you don't want to."

"I'm sorry.."

"It's okay, really! I get it, you're not very comfortable with sharing a shower. Especially when your boyfriend is the one asking you." I hear him giggle and I smile slightly.

"Maybe someday." I say quietly, running a hand through my hair.

"Yeah, maybe."

"Anyways, I um.. I'm going to make us breakfast, okay?"

"Or.. Starbucks?"

"Sounds good to me."

I watch as he peeks his head out from behind the curtain, a grin on his face and I smile, "I'll try and hurry, okay?"

"Okay, but I'm paying!" I exclaim as I open the door again, ready to head out.

"I don't think so!" He says, and I hear the curtain close.

"Sorry, Bear. But I am paying!"

I hear him laugh and I walk back out into the hallway, closing the door. I walk back into my room and begin to pick out my clothes for today. Since it's almost winter, it's getting pretty cold, but that's normal because, well, it's London.

I put on my black jeans and a plaid button up and I turn on my straightener so it can heat up and I walk out to the front door to grab my shoes and slip them on. I hear the shower turn off and the curtain open again and I quickly head back to my room to straighten my hair.

After I get done straightening my hair, I set my straightener back in the drawer and walk back out into the kitchen. I pour myself another cup of coffee and while doing so, I feel Dan's arms wrap around my waist.

"You know, if I decided to go out to Starbucks before my shower, I would have asked for my skinnies and not sweat pants."

I chuckle, turning around in his arms so I'm facing him,  "Whoops?"

"Yeah, big whoops." He leans up and pecks my nose before letting me go and I smile.

"Maybe you should get changed again?"

"Nah, I'm too lazy."

"That's my Dan," He nudges me softly and I giggle, nudging him back. "Shall we go now?"

"Yeah, let's go now, I really crave a caramel macchiato."

"Same, honestly. Go get your shoes on and we'll go."

He claps his hands cutely before walking out of the kitchen and I hear him yell, "Yay!"

I shake my head, a smile on my face and I grab my jacket from the hook by the door, slipping it on and wait. I hand Dan his jacket and he smiles at me and I smile back as he puts on his own. I wait behind Dan as he opens the door and I tilt my head as he steps aside, still holding open the door.

"Ladies first."

I shoot him a playful glare and swat his arm, "I'm not a lady, but thank you, sir Dan." I walk out the door, and like that night at the library I pretend to tip a fedora like Dan did.

"You're very welcome, sir Phil."

I give him a wink, biting the inside of my lip trying hard to keep a straight face, and I can tell Dan is doing the same. In a few minutes as we keep staring at each other, Dan is the one who starts laughing first and I can't help but fall in his steps. I'm leaning against the door frame, tears in my eyes from laughing and when we eventually stop, I go up to Dan and press a small kiss on his lips. When I pull away, he leans in quickly to peck my lips back and I smile, taking his hand.

"Off to Starbucks we go." I say.

"Woo!" He cheers as he laces my fingers with his and he closes the door, making sure to lock it before we head off into town for our coffee date.


Dear reader:
Yes, I finally updated! Did ya like the little "flash back" from the fedora tipping? ;D I thought it was a nice touch, personally. Hope you enjoyed the chapter! :D

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