Chapter Five: Bliss

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We walk in silence all the way to Phil's place, enjoying the presence of one another and the feeling of our fingers being entwined. It feels nice and peaceful, even though London can be a pretty scary place during the night. The longer we walk, the darker it gets, and I can feel myself beginning to panic. I've been afraid of the dark since I was a young boy and I can never stand being in the dark. I try and keep myself together. I don't want Phil to know I'm afraid of the dark because I know he'll think I'm a total wuss and regret befriending me. I let out a deep, shaky breath and will myself not to start shaking. A few minutes go by and my grip on Phil's hand tightens and he looks over at me.

"Dan, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He sounds worried, and I look back over at him and his expression changes from worry to panic.

"I-I'm fine." I manage to choke out, and I know he knows I'm lying. He frowns, squeezing my hand slightly.

"Are you not comfortable walking around London? Are you.. afraid of something?"

I let out a sigh, looking down at my feet, mumbling, "I'm just afraid of the dark.." I bite my lip, waiting for him to laugh at me. But his sweet sounding laugh never comes.

"Oh, Dan," he says quietly before pulling me into a tight hug. I nuzzle my nose into his neck, shutting my eyes tightly and holding him close to me, afraid that something will rip him away from me in the blink of an eye, "You don't need to be scared.. I'm here with you and I promise I'll protect you. I won't let anything happen to you, okay?"

I breathe out my answer, my voice slightly shaky and unsteady, "Okay.." We stay holding each other for a few minutes, swaying slightly, and finally I'm the one to pull away from the embrace, "We should probably go before it gets really dark.."

He nods, taking my hand again in his again, smiling warmly, "Alright, come on, it's only a few more blocks from where we are now." I smile, nodding, and give his hand one last squeeze before starting to walk again with him. As we walk, I rest my head on his shoulder, letting out a sigh. I feel content in this moment and I just want to freeze it. I just want to live in this moment forever.

When we finally get to the front door of his house, he unlocks it quickly and steps inside, holding the door open for me again. I walk in hesitantly, looking around. It looks quite decent, might I say. Cream coloured walls. White coloured ceiling, and a gray coloured carpet. It looks like the living room when you first walk in. If you look to your right you'd see a decent sized television with a black couch against the opposite wall. The left is nothing but shoes and school bags and I smile slightly, thinking : This is way more decent than my place..

I turn and see Phil standing awkwardly by the now closed door and I smile at him and he smiles back.

"You have a really nice place.."

"It's decent, I suppose.. I mostly spend my time up in my room. It's more.. quiet."

I nod, walking further into the house. I make my way into another room and I instantly know it's the kitchen. I look around for a few seconds and walk off into the dining room. I can hear Phil's footsteps padding on the carpet behind me and his feet are soon hitting the tiles of the kitchen. I turn back around at him and he looks awkward. Have I been making him feel awkward in his own home? Is that a bad thing?

"Are these all the rooms down here?"

He gives me a small nod, "Yeah. The bathroom, my room and my parents room are upstairs. Wanna go look?" I give him a small smile and he starts walking toward the stairs, and I follow in pursuit. We get to the steps and I can see his cheeks are a bright red. Is he getting embarrassed because he's taking me up to his room? I would probably be the same way but I would never want Phil to see the shit hole of a house I live in.  He slowly starts making his way up the stairs and I follow, wondering why he's so embarrassed.

When he opens the door to his bedroom and I step in, I'm instantly in awe. He has Muse, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance posters mainly everywhere on his walls. I smile to myself and turn around to face Phil.

"You have really good music taste.."

"You like Muse, Fall Out Boy, and My Chem, too?"

"Yes! I love them!" I smile brighter, looking around more. I hear him giggling quietly behind me and he walks over and sits on his bed. I walk over to him and sit, looking over at him. He looks back at me, smiling. I smile back at him and lean over to hug him. I take in his scent and it's almost intoxicating. He smells of lemons and a hint of cinnamon, and I can't help but smile.

"You smell nice.." Great going Dan, thinking out loud again.

"Um, thanks..?" He says, letting out a confused chuckle.

"I'm sorry, that was really weird.. but you do smell good." I pull away from the hug, giggling quietly, and I peck his cheek.

He blushes and looks away from me, smiling. I can't help but notice and point out the obvious.

"You're adorable.."

He shakes his head, "I'm really not."

"Yes you are. You're adorable.. cute.. beautiful.. gorgeous.. stunning.. perfect.."

I can tell that I'm blushing as my face feels like it's on fire and Phil looks the same. His whole face looks like a tomato and it makes me giggle quietly.  He's grinning like a complete idiot and looking down into is lap.

"I'm sorry.. I mean I've only known you for two days and I already like you- I-I mean.. oh, fuck, uh.." I bite my lip, pulling down my sleeves over my hands as they begin to itch and I look down, tears threatening to spill over. I flinch a little as I feel Phil's fingers under my chin, lifting it up slowly, making me look at him. A few tears fall and I feel weak.

"I've ruined it, haven't I? You hate me now just like everyone else. God, why can't I keep my mouth shut..?"

He shakes his head and smiles, leaning in, pressing a small, gentle kiss on my lips. I smile slightly as he pulls away and all I do is kiss him back before he pulls too far away. When we both finally pull away enough to see each others faces, his cheeks are a light rosy pink again. I feel like I could never get enough of his kisses and I feel I could never get bored of him. He brings me everything I've been missing my whole life. Bliss.

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