Chapter Nine: They're Back

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Still Phil's POV

I jolt awake as I feel someones lips against mine. My eyes flutter open, only to be met with Dan's brown ones. He's smiling, and he let's out a small giggle.

"Well good morning, sleepy head. I thought you would never wake up."

I give him a small nudge and smile, yawning, "Sorry to keep you waiting, Bear."

"Oh well," He replies, giving me a small shrug, "It was worth it. You look so cute when you sleep. Plus, I kissed you over ten times trying to wake you. It wasn't the best kisses.. as your lips were pretty still." He giggles, his dimples showing.

"Is that so? Well, we could always make up for those kisses."

He blushes as I wink at him, a smirk on my face, "That sounds quite nice."

I roll my eyes playfully before sitting up, pulling him onto my lap. He shifts slightly so he's now straddling me, and I smile as we wraps his arms around my neck, and I place my hands on his waist, keeping him steady. I quickly pecks my lips and pulls away, but I instantly pull him closer, our bodies pressed together.

I smile as Dan leans in slowly, our faces inches apart, "You should really kiss me right now, you know.."

"Should I?" I ask, tilting my head slightly.

"You should. It's not nice to keep the boyfriend waiting."

"Well I'm such a nice person but I sometimes break the rules."

"Wow, such a badass, aren't you, Phil?" He giggles quietly, shaking his head.

"That I am, but I usually make up for breaking the rules. And it's time I make up this one." I smile as I lean in, finally connecting my lips with Dan's. I feel him smile against my lips as ours swiftly move against one another.

A few minutes into the kiss, we both pull away, out of breath. I smile at him and he smiles back before gently pushing be down onto my bed. I chuckle quietly before flipping us, now having me on top. I looks up at me, his eyes looking innocent but I know him. He may seem innocent, but he really isn't.  I lean down again, this time pressing small, gentle, loving kisses along his jawline. I giggle as I feel Dan's hand grip the bottom of my shirt as I continue down to his neck.

"Phil?" I hear Dan mutter as I continue down his neck, trying to find his sweet spot.


"I love you."

I smile against his neck, mumbling against the sensitive skin, "I love you, too.."

I start nipping gently, leaving small yet noticeable marks. I move my way up again, nipping occasionally, before kissing him again on the lips. I shiver as I feel Dan's hands slip underneath my shirt, his palms pressing onto my skin.

I run my hands through his gorgeous brown hair, enjoying the feeling of how soft it is. I jolt as I hear a loud bang come from the downstairs, and I know Dan heard it, too, because his eyes are wide open. I sit up, slowly making my way to my bedroom door, Dan following.

"Stay here, okay?"

He nods, going back to sit on my bed. I open the door, peeking out into the hallway before I hear shouting.

"Philip Michael Lester! You better be home!"

My eyes widen, fear and worry filling my thoughts. I quickly go back into my room, and Dan gives me a questionable look.

"We have to go. Now."

"What? Why?"

"I-" I take a deep breath, "My parents. They're back."

"What?! You said they were on a business trip!"

"Yes, I know, I didn't expect them to be back this early! We have to go, now, before th-"

I'm cut off by the sound of my door opening, and I quickly turn to see my dad standing in the doorway.

"What the hell is this? Who the fuck is that?" He exclaims, gesturing to Dan, who's eyes are wide with fear.

"Dad, listen. I can-"


I step backwards, the instant and terrible pain making me feel dazed. I can hear ringing in my ear on my left side, and I turn to see Dan standing up from the bed, tears in his eyes.

"Lay off him!" He yells, anger and terror in his voice, but yet he keeps it steady.

"I don't need to listen to you! You made my boy like this! You made him a sinner! You made him a faggot! You made him just like you!"

The words I hear come out of my fathers mouth instantly flush out my fear. My fear is replaced with anger and adrenaline. I step forwards, looking straight into my fathers eyes before swiftly punching him in the jaw. He stumbles backwards, tripping over his own feet. I quickly take Dan's hand, noticing him looking at me in awe, and I run. I run quickly down the hall to the door, slipping on my shoes.

"Dan, I need you to go back upstairs after putting on your shoes and find a bag. I need you to put as many clothes in it as you can. If you look in my bottom drawer on my left side table, there should be a credit card."

"What are we going to do? Where are we going to go?"

I let out a sigh as he heads toward the stairs, "Old friend of mine.."

"You told me you didn't have any friends."

"Well this one isn't exactly a great friend, just a friend."

"What's his name?"

"PJ. PJ Liguori."


Dear Reader: Yes! I finally updated! I kept my promise and added the parents (more like the dad) into the story. Oh, and by the way.. there might be some kickthestickz action along the way as we get further into the story ;)
We shall see. Anyways, I'll try and update sooner. Byeee!

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