Chapter Eleven: Tell Me

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Phil's POV

I honestly think asking PJ if Dan and I could stay at his place was a terrible idea. Especially because PJ is an old ex-boyfriend of mine and I don't want Dan to all of a sudden feel uncomfortable around the two of us if he ever finds out because I don't plan on telling him. I love Dan dearly and I never want to let him go. My feelings for PJ have passed but I'm just afraid that they will return.

PJ and I haven't had much contact since he moved to London. He has a new boyfriend now named Chris and he's always told me how a boy introduced them to eachother and how that boy was his boyfriend. This boyfriend must have been after me and him broke up because PJ and I only dated for a month.

I brush it off and continue to walk with Dan to Nando's. I'm finally taking him out on a proper date and just the thought of it makes the butterflies erupt in my stomach. I look down at our hands and smile, looking up at him and he smiles back at me. As soon as we get to the restaurant, I take him over to a seat by the window and we order.

"You do know I have no money on me-"

"That doesn't matter. My treat."

"Phil come on, you've been doing a lot for me."

"Yes, I know. But I don't care. I asked- well not really asked you- but I'm taking you out on this date so I'm paying."

"Alright, fine." He sighs quietly, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. I smile as the waitress brings over our meals and I thank her, picking up my fork and I take a bite.

"Oh my g-" Dan moans, making his joy of the food over dramatic, "This is amazing."

"It is. I could eat this everyday."

He nods, taking another bite and I chuckle. A few minutes pass and we finish our meals, and I order desert. I learned something new about Dan and that he really loves Malteasers. He made me order the "Special" which included chocolate cake with Malteasers on top.

We soon finish desert and we both are full. We head out, taking it slow so we don't get sick, and head over to PJ's. I smile as Dan rests his head on my shoulder as we walk, the same way he did when he had his panic attack while we were walking to my place that one night. I trace small hearts on the back of his hand and sigh contently.

When we get to PJ's, the sun has set and we know it's late. I bite my lip as I knock on the door and I hear footsteps hurrying toward it. It opens and I'm welcomed with the warmth and bright lights from inside his flat and PJ smiles at us. I see his eyes divert his attention to Dan for a few moments and his smile fades but he shakes his head, turning back to me and smiles.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't good ol' Phil Lester. Long time no see, mate."

I nod, smiling slightly myself, "It's good to see you, Peej. This is Dan. My.. boyfriend."

"Cute. You both look.. happy together yet tired. Where have you guys been?"

"Phil decided to take me out on a date and I filled myself with food." Dan pipes up, smiling tiredly.

I give him a small nudge, "You enjoyed it, don't complain."

"Who said I was complaining?"

"No one-"

"Exactly. Now hush."

PJ chuckles, moving so we have room to walk in, "Make yourselves at home. Chris is currently in the office working on something for his UNI classes." Dan and I nod, slowly making our way into the lounge.

"Pretty nice place you got, PJ." Dan remarks, making PJ smile slightly.

"You can call me Peej if you'd like, and thanks. I try to keep it decent. There is a guest bedroom down the hall there." PJ tells us, gesturing down the hall toward a door.

"Great.. do you mind if I go lie down for a bit? I'm a little tired from today.."

"Of course, love," I say, pressing a small kiss onto Dan's lips, "I'm going to stay up for a while and talk with Peej. I'll join you soon."

He nods, walking off tiredly into the bedroom and shutting the door and I hear his body hit the mattress.

"I'll make some tea. I think we should really catch up and just talk."

I nod, sitting down on the sofa, looking around a bit and a little while after PJ comes walking in with two mugs. I take one, blowing on it before taking a small sip and look over at PJ as he sits next to me.

"So.." He says, also taking a drink, "How long have you and Dan known each other."

"Few days. Maybe weeks? I can't keep track. That boy makes me forget about time."


"He's really sweet, you know? He's everything I could ask for in a boyfriend. I'm not saying that you weren't that great of a boyfriend I just.. how do I put this? He makes me happier."

"Yeah, I know how he is.."

"How do you know?" I ask, looking over at him questionably.

"Has he not told you?"

"Told me what?"

"I don't think it's my place to say.."

"Peej. Tell me."

"Dan and I.. Dan is one of my exes."

I almost lose my grip of my mug, but I mange to keep hold of it, "Wh-what?"

"Dan and I dated a few years back when we were both still in high school," I nod, taking in this information. Why has he not told me? Has he been.. afraid to tell me? "I hope this doesn't upset you or make things awkward between us, Phil. I still want us to stay close friends, even though our friendship hasn't been the closest."

"Have you two been.. contacting each other at all?"

Peej shakes his head, "We cut off the ties as soon as we broke up. We haven't talked to each other since."

I nod again, taking another small drink from my mug, "That's good I suppose.."

"You should probably head off to bed. I think I might as well.. I should probably get Chris to sleep. He's been working on all his university papers all day."

"Yeah.. yeah that sounds like a good idea. I'll see you in the morning."

"Yeah. Good night, Phil."

I smile slightly, placing my mug on the coffee table before getting up, walking down the hall to the same room Dan is in and walk in, closing the door quietly, hoping not to wake him. I strip down into my boxers, noticing that he's done the same and slip under the covers, pulling Dan closer to me. He lets out a breath as he opens his eyes, sleep threatening to drag him down under at anytime.

"Sleep, Bear.." I coo, gently kissing the top of his hair gently.

"I was. I will. Good night. I love you."

I smile sleepily, my eyes drooping, "I love you, too. Good night."

And with that, we both drift off into sleep, holding each other close, not wanting to let go.


Dear reader:
Two updates in one day whaaaa-? And I bet you didn't see THAT coming, either! Ooooh. What shall happen next? Hmmm. You'll find out soon enough. :)

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