Tell me Miley.

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We walk to the club as it's just down the road. We're going to the one that just opened yesterday and of course it's packed because it literally just opened. We got a vip area. It was me, Leah, Beth, Lessi, Tooney, Lotte, Mary. So not all the team wanted to come out. I go to get us drinks and all of us get a bit tipsy before we go back. I jump onto the bed and go get some plasters for my shoulders. Leah sees me go into the bathroom again. I place them on and come out in a sports bra and short shorts. Leah looks at me suspiciously because of the Plasters and I just say i hurt myself walking next to the wardrobe. A bad Exuse but atleast I came up with one. She comes up to and looks at the plasters. "Doenst look like just a wardrobe" she says bluntly. Shit. "Tell me Miley" she says suspiciously 'WHY THE FUCK DO YOU WANNA KNOW' I say getting angry because that's all I do is get angry. She just strolls back to her bed. I go into the cupboard and get some dr*gs I snort them before Leah could see. All I do is get dizzy and I go back to bed before anything happens. I climb in bed and feel something underneath me. I thought it's just the remote or my phone or smth like that but no it was a person. I look at Leah who is flustered as hell. I just look at her roll my bloodshot eyes and she looks at my eyes while she looks at them shocked. I just go to get a hoodie on as she's wearing one and go to sleep ontop of her well not exactly ontop of her. I hear the door knob turn. Oh yea I forgot Beth is coming over. I slowly open my eyes after getting a small nap. I'm still ontop of Leah. I see Beth take a photo and go back out. I just brush it off and go back to sleep since Leah is still asleep. I was next to Leah still asleep when Beth took that photo

Beth mead: why are they so cute? @leahwilliamson6 @mileyanderton8

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Beth mead: why are they so cute?
@leahwilliamson6 @mileyanderton8


Alessiarusso23: This is why there so close

Ellatoone10: Awww ☺️

Lucybronze2: Is that who I think it is

KatieMccabe15: so this is what they get up at England camp

Of course Beth would of posted that to her instagram. I see Leah slowly open her eyes. 'Morning Amor' I say in my sweetest voice possible. Ew. I really wanna step things up with Leah soon but I'm too scared what if she won't like me after? Why do I care. Leah grabs her phone and obviously saw the insta post as she looks shocked. She goes through the comments like I did. She lets out a sweet smile. "You know you look really cute when you sleep?" Leah says making me blush a little bit.

A/N: Next chapter will be a bit yk freaky so yea.

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now