The last training session

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The bus ride back was normal I was sat by myself again blasting music into my ear drums but that was like 2 weeks ago now. I've been planing something that no one knows about. 1 year ago tomorrow my brother took his last breaths and life hasn't been the same without him as you know. My mental health though has gone down in these last couple weeks. Me and Leah haven't talked since she explained herself I want to but she's not talking to me and I'm pushing every single person away again I don't want to become close to anyone anymore. I think it's nearly 1 week since I last talked to someone I've been going to training coming back then sleeping yes that means I haven't even ate anything. I've got an interview today so I need to talk and my last training session you'll see why soon.

30 mins later

I'm all ready for my interview in a suit I'm trying to remember what kinda questions I'm gonna be asked I don't know but one extremely tired luckily someone is driving me today so I don't have to drive tiredly.

45 mins later

I walk out to the room of the interview to be greeted by Jimmy. (J=Jimmy M=Miley)

J: Hi Miley we're very great full and lucky to have you on the show.

M: Thanks Jimmy I'm very lucky to be on this show

The crowd applauses

J: So Miley what's it like to be nominated for the women's greatest footballer of the year I've heard that's coming up in two days

M: Yeah I'm very lucky of course but I couldn't of done it without the people who voted for me

J: talking about people describe your fans in 3 words

M: invasive,violating and just hateful

J: Why do you say that Miley

M: I've been seeing loads of hate edits recently and now I can't go anywhere without security.

J: Oh Miley I hope you ok. But we've all got the same question what's happening between you and Leah at the moment

M: We just keep it down at the low keeping it at a friendship level that's it's.

Miley's answers while laughing abit

J: Interesting back to the hate what do you think about that.

M: Its weird because it started happening out of no where to be honest I've just been myself and I've been getting hate for it but I never got hate for it before so yeah let's just say weird.

J: Oh well time heals wounds right

M: It is said time heals wounds but I do not agree the wounds remain in time scar tissue covers the wounds leaving scar wounds and the pain lessens but the pain is never gone

J: Jesus you should be a motivational speaker with them words. Now another question that everyone on the internet is wondering. Would you ever get back together with an ex.

M: Depends on the ex.
Miley's mind plays flashbacks of when Miley and Leah where in love and dancing in the rain

J: Wow. Now a random question what's your favourite song.

M: je te laisserai des mots

J: is there a reason why?

M: it reminds me of someone's eyes

J: who's?

M: can't tell you

J: what if we tell you we've got a surprise person for you?

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now