The interview and tears

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5 months later

Miley has been gone for 5 months and I know she's still out there somewhere I can feel it. Sometimes I wonder what it will be like if Miley was still here. There's been a full search party for her and everything even memorials set in her home town and even in the training ground. I know this isn't about me but I've been feeling shit whilst she's been gone. Every where I look it goes blurry my eyes holding back tears. I just wanna see her face again. 2 days after it happened is when I realised she'd gone missing so I was the one who sent the missing reports in and I called Miley's mum. She was crying so today I decided I would go see her the first time I've ever seen Miley's mums house. She looks so lonely without a husband and with her daughter missing and her son dead. I see the massive picture of Tyler on the wall (Miley's brother) with his birth date and his death date with a little toy motorcycle under it. I see Miley's mum now I know where Miley gets her looks from. Her mum is as beautiful as her. I greet her and she shows me too the sofa where I talk about Miley and what I am to her. 'Oh your Leah she always used to talk about you on the phone even before you guys dated' Miley actually talked about me..She's meant to be emotional less. 'Aww that's cute' I say sweetly smiling at her mum. I can see the pain in her eyes it must be hard having a missing daughter and a dead son. I stand up to go and hug her that's one of my specialty's I give really good hugs. I go back to sit down and we talk about Miley and laugh abit about how sweet she can be sometime. She shows me Miley's baby pics one with her middle finger stuck up when she was about 6 'still got that attitude hasn't she?' I say causing Mileys mum laugh properly I've only heard Miley laugh once properly when we was running through a field and I was struggling to keep up with her. Her laugh sounds just like her mums. After a couple hours at her mums I go back to my house after like a 1 hour drive. I look in the passenger seat where Miley should be right now. I wipe the tears from my eyes and focus on the road.


I've got an interview later and no doubt it would be about Miley. Like 2 months ago the ballon door was given out to Miley and her mum gave a speech while getting the ballon door for her. I grab my phone to send a voice note to Miley 'Hey it's Leah just wanted to check in I met your mum btw now I know where you get your beauty from. I also saw you baby pictures. Your mums really sweet by the way. Anyway I think of you all the time and I think the whole world does. We really miss you Miley we hope your safe' I end the voice note with a little sniffle from starting to cry halfway through. I get ready for the interview with a suit on and I roll the sleeves up of the blazer up abit. Just like Miley used to do. I get in my car and head off to the place.

2 hours later

I walk over to the table to be greeted with a smile by the interviewer and the crowd. (Int=Interviewer L=Leah)

Int 'so how are you coping Leah'

L: 'it's quite hard without Miley' Might as well mention her early on.

Int: 'Oh yes I heard you and Miley used to be inlove how was that?'

L: 'her name was Miley-jay I wanna kinda shy but she was a daredevil she liked to drink but she didn't like to smoke cause she knew her parents would yell at her.' I try to hold back tears

Int: 'how did she ask you out'

L: 'She said Hey Leah in-front of everyone at the beach Would you like to be my girlfriend next thing I know everyone was clapping because I said yes.'

Int: 'that's cute in a recent interview you said fall is your favourite season is there a reason behind this or'

L: 'Me and Miley fell inlove in October and that's why I love fall. Now looking at the stars admiring her from afar' I start to cry but quickly get it together. Then I see the whole crowd start to tear up

Int: 'looks like you've got everyone in tears now. Anyway moving on what is that scar on your hand.'

L: 'Dogs white teeth sliced right through my fist'

Int: 'that must of hurt. May I ask what Miley kept saying before she went missing'

L: 'she kept saying I don't wanna talk about anything. I wanna kiss kiss your lips again witness your eyes looking in mine. I don't wanna talk about anyone I wanna sleep in your car while your driving. Lay in your lap while I'm crying.'

Int: 'Why's the end bit actually so sad.'

Miley's PoV:

I'm watching the interview Leah is in right now on my phone. Everyone seems so sad I left but why? They was the ones who hated me. I've gone off the interview to listen to Leah's voice note she sent me. I cry abit hearing her cry really hurts me. If I think about it I'm only like a 20 minute drive away from mine and hers house. I call a taxi and put my hood up trying not to be recognised I give the taxi man the address and he drives me there. I put my key in the door to be hit with the warm air of the house. I put my things back in my wardrobe and try to click on Leah's interview. Shit it's finished. I get new clothes ready to get on soon then I hop in the shower I quickly get out and get the clothes on . I sit on the sofa bopping my leg up and down waiting for Leah until I see the door knob turn. I see a figure walk in with there head down. They look up and see me. I get up and run to Leah holding her tight never wanting to let go. 'I missed you.' Is all I could get out before bursting in tears.

An: 2 chapters in a night. You guys are so lucky anyway finally Miley and Leah are reunited. 1113 words!!!

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now