Ok..why do i need to know?

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Leah's PoV:

I get home to what I thought was an empty house but I see another coat on the rack in the corner of my eye. I slowly look up to the sofa and see Miley sat down looking at me waiting for her to realise I'm here. It only takes her like one second to stand up and run to me giving me big hug and very tight one her hands are clenched on my shoulder. I hear her say she misses me but then she bursts out in tears. She look sick really sick I'm not gonna tell her though but you can tell she needs to eat. I'll cook for her. We have like a five minute hug before I excuse myself to the kitchen getting some food. I cook steak her favourite I cook it just how she likes it medium done. I go to the dining room to see if she's there she's not. I go to the living room to see her asleep on the sofa in high shorts exposing her semi Collon tattoo. My sweet Miley she doesn't deserve any of this, I go to the sofa and nudge Miley waking her up and telling her dinners ready. After like 5 minutes I hear movement coming into the dining room. 'I made your favourite' I say while Miley's sitting down. She gives me a smile too tired too talk so that's all her body is capable of doing. We've got training tomorrow but I'm not letting Miley go. No one even know she's back home yet. I excuse myself and go to the living room to get my phone and call Miley's mum. 'Hey it's Leah I don't know if I'm saved in your contacts. Miley's back she's abit tired but I can get her on the phone right now if you want' I say feeling Miley's mums smile through the phone. 'Yes that would be wonderful' I walk over to the dining table and put the phone on speaker and give Miley the phone. I put it on speaker because I wanna know what's being said. 'mami te extrañé' (mum I missed you) Are you kidding how am I supposed to know what's being said now. 'Yo también te extrañé, mi bebé, nunca vuelvas a hacer esto, por favor, eres muy amado por mí y por Leah.' (I missed you too my baby don't ever do this again please you are so loved my me and Leah) I heard my name 'oh si Leah' (oh yes Leah) My name again but from Miley this time. 'Ella realmente te ama Miley, por favor no dejes que se deje llevar como las otras chicas. Creo que Leah es una muy buena chica para ti. Sé que no te gusta todo el asunto del amor por tu papá, pero ella parece muy dulce y he escuchado tu historia, es muy linda. Leah es definitivamente la chica para ti.' (She really loves you Miley please don't carry her along like all the other girls. I think Leah is a really good girl for you. I know you don't like the whole love thing because of your dad but she seems really sweet and I've heard your story it's really cute. Leah is definitely the girl for you.) My name was in there a couple times. I wonder what they were talking about. Back to Miley's mum when I went over I saw a picture of Miley and Lucy next to eachother. Are they really that close or is there something else behind it? I need to talk about it with Miley before going to training tomorrow. I hear Miley's mum shout goodbye to me and I shout it back before going to get my phone back from Miley. Not a long while after we go to bed like I said I'm not letting Miley go to training tomorrow so I'm not telling her it's on. She probably won't even be awake

The next day:

I wake up to Miley knocking on my door 'Have we got training today' I see her peak her head through the gab of the door I can tell she's got a sports bra on. 'Yes but you don't I'm not letting you go you have to rest.' I say and I see Mileys facial expression change 'No tengo que descansar, eso es una mierda.' (I dont have to rest that's bullshit) oh shit I've got her mad I tell her to come sit on my bed and after a small eye roll she does. 'I'm just trying to protect you Miley I don't want you getting hurt' She looks like she's about to curse me out. 'I don't need protection and I definitely won't get hurt stop looking after me Leah I'm not your fucking child and I don't need it I'm independent enough' She scoffs and leaves. Hopefully she's gonna stay home I'm just trying to look after her but I can't hold her against her will. I call her back in my room I need to ask about the Lucy pictures. She enters the room, it looks like she's calmed down a little bit but you can still see a flicker of anger in her eyes. 'If you don't mind me asking why is there's pictures of Lucy on your mums wall are yours and Lucy's family really close or something?' She sighs and opens her mouth and closes it again then opens it again. 'I'm not really meant to tell anyone this but do you know when me and Lucy were talking to my mum on parents day on camp. Lucy's family didn't turn up well that actually did but I'll get to that. Lucy and I were just laughing around with my family and Lucy was really close to them well that's because me and Lucy are sisters. She changed her last name to bronze when she was 19 and I stuck with Anderton. She doesn't really like anyone knowing but her close friends. That's also why we're so close and why some of our features look the same.' Wow I never fucking expected that, Lucy and Miley are sisters wow. I mean everyone did think they looked similar with there face shape and eyes and the freckles. I look up at Miley's face to see she's got a piercing in her ear when did she- but damn she looks hot, silver is really her colour especially that earring. She leaves and I hope she isn't getting changed for training. Talking about training i gotta changed. I get my training kit I can't be arsed to get changed there plus Jordan wants to talk to me apparently so it's just faster. I look into Miley's room to see she's back asleep I leave peacefully knowing I don't have to worry about Miley. I get in my car and drive for 5 mins to the training grounds being met by Jordan at the entrance. She's already in her training kit waiting to talk to me. She takes me to a room with no one else in, she turns around to face me after closing the door. 'Leah I want you to be my girlfriend again I know I've done some fucked up things but please Leah accept me again.' Should I? I don't know to be honest I need to move on from Miley it's obvious she doesn't like me anymore. Oh well might as well. 'Yeah Jordan I need to move on from Miley anyway but you do one thing wrong I'm leaving you' Jordan's face grows a smirk.

After training

I go back to mine and Miley's house I'm not ready to tell her the news about me and Jordan. I walk inside the door to hear her rapping an unknown song in her room. Probably the one she was talking about yesterday that she's making, I put my ear to the door listening in. I walk In after a couple minutes of her struggling with the lines. 'Miley I gotta tell you something but you promise not to get mad?' She grows a smirk on her face 'me mad never?' She laughs abit. I sigh. 'Miley me and Jordan are dating again.' Her smirk disappears of her face, she turns away probably thinking about what I just said 'Ok..why do I need to know?' She questions still looking away. 'I just wanted you to know so you wouldn't get mad at me.' She nods 'Right you can leave now then.' She says in a unbothered tone. Does she actually not care about anything..?

Miley's PoV:

'Ok..why do I need to know?' Is all I can say still staring at the wall I don't wanna look at Leah right now. She means nothing to me right now. She explains why she told me to be honest I couldn't care less I've lost all emotion since I've gone missing. Not a single fuck left to care about stupid relationships. 'Right you can leave now' I say in the most unbothered tone. I done care about anything. I hear the door go again finally she's left, I go to my wardrobe and grab my electric guitar. Havnt played this in a long time.

*Miley playing the start on the electric guitar*

Still got it in me I hear the door knob go again. Will she just fuck off what else is she gonna say she just went to go fuck Jordan. Wouldn't be surprised. 'Wow Miley your fucking good.' She says. 'I know.' No emotion no eye contact no anything. She leaves again. Finally hopefully this time she will leave me alone. I get my mic and start to record my song. My first single. Im meant to be uploading it tomorrow. I hear Leah's footsteps stop at my door and a shadow appear. Not this again oh my god. She puts her body onto the door trying to listen in. 'Vete a la mierda de Leah no te quiero aquí tu tan molesto no puedo mentir' (fuck off leah I don't want you here your so annoying I can't lie) I say shouting at the door. I hear footsteps wonder away. Finally peace and quite.

An: stupid Leah mileys better for her :(. 1720 words!!

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now