Or maybe not.

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I open TikTok to see a hate edit from a England fan I won them the euros what did I do? Oh well one won't hurt I keep on scrolling seeing mostly funny videos but something is up I haven't seen one good edit of me only that hate edit. I keep on scrolling for like 2 mins until I see another hate edit. I just scoff and then scroll to see another one after another after another. I look on instagram to see if anything has happened on that but nothing. I look on Leah's story just to see a photo shoot she's doing might as well like it. It's not like we're enemies but i don't know do I wanna be her enemy? I go back to TikTok to only be greeted by guess what another hate edit. SHIT. A game today. I quickly get changed into joggers and a hoodie. Well before I get into the shower and put up my hair and brush my teeth and all that stuff. I get out the door and decide what I'm gonna drive today not long after my eyes drift to my motorcycle. I mean might as well even though I promised myself never to ride it after my brother. I get on and drive past the speed limit I mean I always do. Wait didn't I tell Leah to meet me after training today? Forgot it was a game Oopsies. I finally arrive at the training centre to see everyone is already on the bus I get on the bus and pull my hoodie up. Remember Miley everyone pushed away. I put my headphone on getting some hype music on until I get sudden stomach pains and feel faint oh yeah kinda been forgetting to eat for a couple days I'll just like eat a cereal bar or something when I get to the stadium or a banana. I need to see if I look ok because I didn't really check this morning. I get my mirror out I look perfect like always. I look around to see who is even on this bus. Of course as soon as I turn around I see Leah starting at me. All I do is roll my eyes at her. Remember Miley block everyone out.

Leah's PoV:

I'm talking to Beth who is next to me before I realise I can't keep my eyes of Miley. Again. She told me to meet her after training I think she meant to match but for the love of god she's finally letting me explain myself. Im not exited for today though we're facing Barca. Lucy hates me because what I did to Miley but she hasn't even heard what actually happened. I look over to Miley again to see her looking at herself in the mirror checking if she looks alright. 'What are you looking at' Beth says suspiciously she know what I'm looking at she just wants me to say it. 'She checking out herself in the mirror oh my god her skins so clear tell her bring that over here she needs a seat I'll volunteer now she's smiling ear to ear she's the headlight to my deer I've said it all before and I'll say it again I'm interested in being more then just a friend.' Oh shit alot came out then. Beth starts laughing. 'Oi' I slap her arm playfully trying to tell her to shut up because Miley's looking hopefully she didn't hear me I try to hold eye contact with her but she just rolls her eyes at me. What her problem? She's been pushing people away again like she's refusing to talk to anyone now I'm surprised I got that text last night. She's normally sat with Katie right now but no she's sat on her own with her hood up. I've also been seeing loads of hate edits against her recently like cmon guys.

Miley's PoV:

I still can't get the hate edits over my mind why would there be so much what have I done recently. Push everyone away? That's has nothing to do with them. Or Leah? I was going down but I was doing it with her and now I say I hate her with a smile on face what's wrong with that? I'm bored there's another 1 hour until where at the emirates. Who are we even facing today. BARCA. I get to see Luce I havnt seen her in a long time or text her. Oh no I have to see Mapi and Ona the two people who still arnt over me. Come on I just fucked them once. I'm gonna have fun today arnt I. Back to the hate edits the fans found me amusing for a while the people of this country loved me but the one thing they love more then a hero is to see a hero fail,fall.

1 hour later

I walk into the stadium still with my hood up and headphones on. I go onto the pitch to see the emirates after a longgg time. I walk into the pitch to see Lucy I run and jump into her arms. 'Luce' I say and she smiles at me. I get down and go and hug Keira normally. I look up to be faced by two angry faces of Ona and Mapi 'Si singues poniéndome esa cara tal vez tu cara de quede estabcada así' ( If you keep giving me that face maybe your face will get stuck like it.) I say to them with a smirk on my face of course there fluent Spanish there literally fully Spanish for god sake. 'tal vez deberías callar a Miley antes de que te destruyamos' (Maybe you should shut Miley up before we destroy you.) that's not gonna scare me they realise that. I go back to the changing rooms to see everyone is already getting changed I take my sweet time to get changed because why not. I also get a banana to eat bc I need to eat something before a match. I keep feeling eyes burning into my back while I'm getting changed and I decide whoever it is should have a show well everyone actually. I take of my hoodie and just stay in my sports bra and walk around the changing rooms until I hear a ringing in my ear I don't know what it is at first but then I quickly rush out to go to the toilets. I'm having a panic attack. As soon as I close the stall door my breathing gets heavier and my heart starts to race more. I hear the door open. 'Miley open the door' someone says while knocking on the door. I open it to be matched with Viv's eyes 'I know your having a panic attack I could tell in the changing rooms that's why I came to do you I always used to have them let me guess it started with a ringing in your ear' Viv says trying to get under my skin she can piss off I can handle it myself. 'Fuck off I can handle by myself' I say still trying to catch my breath. And with that she just leaves couldn't off been easier. I calm myself down and go to the changing rooms to get my t shirt on with N.28 on the back. We go line up with music blasting my ear drums. When we get onto the pitch I go to my position with of course Mapi marking me.

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now