After the finals

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1 hour ago we won the final but the partying is still not over we're still not out the changing rooms. Im shirtless with a Nike sports bra on with my abs on show to everyone. But one person my perfect girlfriend can't stop looking over. She finally comes over and hangs her arms around my waist and kisses my neck. Not harsh enough to give me a hickey but soft and sweet. 'Get a room' Lessi said. She's just jealous she didn't get me in time. Sometimes I miss mine and Leah's flirty friendship but sometimes I don't it's weird. If I keep missing it I might have to brake up with Leah. It's weird I've never been in love before it's not weird it feels weird though. I don't know but I keep eyeing over and seeing Jordan trying to talk to Leah and she looks uncomfortable but at the same time Lucy and Keira keep blocking them by going infront of my vision and making out. They made it official to the team a couple days ago now there just making out constantly and it's worse then me and Leah I mean atleast infront of people. I know somethings happening I feel it in my blood I go over to Leah and Jordan to see Jordan trying to touch my Leah. I go infront of Leah and block her from Jordan 'move bitch.' Jordan says. 'That's hurtful words coming from a 4'11 bitch.' I say with my blood already boiling. 'Move on she doesn't want you it's called dating someone better now' I say more calmer then before. "You know you want me" Jordan says and smiles at Leah this sometimes crosses my mind because whenever I mention Jordan Leah goes all quite. 'No I don't move on I've got someone way better now' Leah says. I'm proud of her tbh she never really likes saying things for herself. With Rhys Jordan leave but smirks at Leah as I turn my back to her to face Leah. 'Damn white really fits you' I say to Leah while caressing her curves since she still has her England kit on. 'Miley shut it we have to talk..'

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now