Lets forget it all

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We just finished breakfast and we all go to our rooms to get into our training kit. I See Leah across the room i cant help to Stare at her. She just says 'you wait till later' and left? I dont get Leah I've known her for a long time and I don't get it. I was just listening to 'apocalypse' it's a pretty good song I was just listening it on the bus to training.


We get told to get into pairs and Leah walks up to me? 'Hi would you like to be my partner' she says in a Sweet Voice very unlike her i Just respond with 'Sure but I swear u hate me'. Training is finally Over and done with and we eat dinner as soon as we get back. I'm pretty worried about what Leah said earlier so I just go upstairs to our dorm and wait for her.

10 mins later

I See her Walk in and shut the door carefully. 'Sooo what did you want Le?' I ask. She just comes over and tells me to stand. The only thing that was playing in my head was 'apocalypse' from earlier. She looks me up and down and then slowly leans forward to give me a kiss on the lips. It was passionate and smooth. Your lips my lips apocalypse.


'Let's just forget what happened' she says basically straight after and i was disappointed But happy because we was growing a friendship and i didn't wanna Ruin that.


I peacefully sleep that night after dreaming about what happened

Leah's PoV:

I just kissed her but I'm refusing to have a crush on her. Why would I have a crush on her? Doesn't matter I do have a crush on her. I wouldn't of kissed her if I didn't. Every-time she's around me I get butterflies. I hate everyone though I have a soft spot for her oh no. I think I'm in love again? Only this happened with me and Jordan I used to have a soft stop for her. Jordan still likes me but I don't like her I ended it because we kept getting into argument so it was a toxic relationship.

I always catch Miley looking at my abs and I don't know why but I like it. I always like teasing her about it. I just want one chance with her even tho she's known for sleeping around with people but I don't know I think I might be able to change her. She's also knows for being flirty. Also her anger I need to get that in control.


A/N: Next chapter is gonna be a good one

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now