Final p.2

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It's now the second half we're about 5 mins into it and of course Millie is still pushing me about. I see Beth run with the ball. Might as well. I run to catch up with Beth and she passes the call to me as soon as she sees me. I get the ball and shoot with my weak foot. Before I could see the ball go into the net I feel a harsh push on my back but I also hear the stadium erupt by my goal. But my mind is on the person who just pushed me. I turn around to be matched with Millie once again. I grab her t shirt and push her too the ground while my teammates are trying to push me off but I'm pushing them away. I see the ref come over with his hand in his pocket. No god please. He shows me another yellow and then grabs his red out and points to off the pitch. 'La gente es tan tonta ahora que ni siquiera hice nada.' (People are so stupid now I didn't even do anything.) It's real so tho it's so annoying the ref needs to see that Millie started it. I go off the pitch with a smirk on my face I look behind me too see Leah looking at me. Course she is. I blow her a kiss as the camera comes on me great that's gonna be edited. Might as well give them another thing to edit. I take my top off as I'm still walking off the pitch and pull my shorts down abit to reveal my abs. After the game I see I have a 2 game ban. Just for that?? But most importantly we won 3-1 whist everyone else came in celebrating I was sat on the bench head down looking at the floor. What is wrong with me? Everyone asks what's wrong with me but how I am I suppose to respond when I don't even know. I feel a hand on my back 'wanna come out with the girls tonight star girl' I feel Leah's hot breath on me. I can tell it's her from her perfume. I put that aside for a second. Star girl? Star. Girl. 'No sorry got plans' it's true tho I do have plans so I'm technically not lying. 'Ok I'll be out the house though celebrating' she says still whispering into my ear. Well that's good she needed to be out the house for my plans.

2 hours later

Me and Leah are just resting together until she asks me a question related to earlier. 'Why don't you tell me the rest of you life story' she says facing me. I guess I can? 'Once I was 20 years old my story got told. I only see my goals I don't believe in failure cause I know the smallest voices they can make it major. I got my girls with me atleast those in favour and if we don't meet before I leave I hope I'll see them later. Once I was 20 years old my story got told I started playing like I had no life left. Soon I'll be 24 years old my jersey has been sold I've travelled around the world playing football soon I'll be 24 years old.' I say catching my breath once again. 'Damn also are you in-love with Sophia or me.' This question again. 'Your the only one I wanna call baby' she gives me a sweet smile 'but why?' Hm might as well 'oh baby doll I can't move on I can't move on baby doll waiting on call it's outrageous.' She looks at her watch. 'Shit I gtg I see you after tho' No she won't. I see Leah run to her room and I giggle to myself. Fuckkk. Then a couple minutes later I see her in jeans and a leather jacket. I raise my eyebrow and her then nod approving that she looked good and with that she grabbed her keys and went out the door. Now time for the plan. I grab the solar powered charger from upstairs and grab my phone but make sure my location is also turned off. I grab my coat some clothes and my headphones.

20 mins later

I've been running for like 20 mins later now and I'm getting pretty tired so I'm just gonna camp here for the night and go somewhere else In the morning. Yes my plan is to go missing forever. I don't like my life I never have well i have once when I was with Leah. I set up a blanket and lay on it before slowly closing my eyes.

3 hours later

Leah's PoV:

I get home shouting to Miley that I'm home but I get no response. I shout again. No response. She's probably just asleep or something I go to her room and knock on the door trying to wake her up. She doesn't respond. I open the door to see the bed empty but she's no where else in the house? She's probably just gone to a friends or something or even a girls house. I don't know. I look on her Snapchat just to make sure. Her location is turned of that's weird she never did that even when she went to a girls house. I stare at my phone with 100 thoughts walking through the hallway head down thinking what could of happened.

An: Erm guys... anyway 926 words!!

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now