The club

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I'm ready to go to the club but I don't know if Leah is, I've got some jeans and a plain white t shirt on, the t shirt is tight so it's revealing my abs. I'm not going to get a jacket on bc it's not that cold outside, I go over to Leah's door, 'Leah can I come in' I knock before saying it 'yeah sure' she says and I carefully open the door just incase she's behind the door, I look up to see Leah it's a sports bra and boxers,jeez, I'm not gonna show that I'm literally dying inside right now because it's not like she cares. 'Miley I've got a random question' cause she has 'what is it?' Probably the most random question ever. 'What would you do if I call u when I'm in danger' What would I actually do? 'Call and I will rush out' I would tbh. 'Well that's sweet' she says smiling at me, I leave for about 5 minutes to let her get ready in peace then I hear her door go. Finally she's ready, she comes down in a crop top and jeans her abs on reveal once again, I see her smirking at me as I'm looking her up and down. 'Zip it Leah you have a girlfriend' I say walking out with her following me I lock our house up and hold Leah back before she goes to the car, I take her to the car and open the door for her, tonight I wanna show her how much better I am then Jordan it might sound stubborn but it's true I'm better then Jordan Nobbs.

Five mins later

We arrive at our home club and I take her to a table guiding her through all the crowded people by holding her hand, I look behind her me too see her tucking her hair behind her ear with her free hand, Jesus she is really beautiful especially when she's smiling like she is now. We finally find a table and I let go of her hand letting her sit down then go to the bar not even asking what she want I already know what she wants to start of, a shot of whiskey in coke and 1 lime 1 lemon and 3 ice cubes very pacific i know. I bring the drinks back to the table I've only got 2 shots, 'Miley you remembered my order.' At least so noticed 'of course I did' I let out a little giggle before remembering me and Leah arnt even dating anymore.

We just sit in awkward silence for a couple minutes till she breaks it. Of course she does,

'Miley how long are you gonna love me for.'

Why does she wanna know we're not even dating she's dating Jordan, talking of Jordan me and her have an interview tomorrow I wonder why, probs because of Leah.

'Think I'm gonna love you till I'm dead.'

I say meaning every word of it I mean of course I do I wanna marry this girl for god sake but I can't, Jordan's already took my spot of dating Leah.

After a couple more shots I look at Leah Jesus she's definitely drunk I can already tell the drunk questions are coming, it's not like I hate them she's just trying to know more about me but Jesus Christ there so random.

'Mileyy why do you only answer my calls.'

It's true ig I do because I love her I think.

'Fuck them I did this all by myself that's why I don't pick up my phone when it rings unless it's you'

I did do it all by myself icl.

We go silent again until Leah breaks the silence once again, it's not like it's awkward silence it's comfortable silence that I could stay in for like 30 mins before my adhd kicks in.

'Miley I heard u say you don't feel pretty in one of your interviews a couple years ago.'

Leah says grabbing my arm and technically dragging me to the dance floor, for a second we slow dance before I decide to answer.

'I want a better body I want better skin I wanna be perfect like all your other friends'

We stay silent for a second Leah taking in what I just said, the truth is I do show of my body alot but I hate my body I always think I could be better in one slight way. Me and Leah slow dance for a minute or so to 'say you won't let go' by James Arthur, her head in on my shoulder my head is on her head and we're just rocking backwards and forwards holding hands until she goes on her tippy toes and whispers something in my ear.

'You look so pretty, pretty like the wind every time you touch me i feel adrenaline.'

I can tell she means it by the way she says it, I need to tell her I love her but I don't know how it will go.

'Leah I..I love you'

'Yeah but why Miley' Common response from her

'Because Leah your the only person I feel comfortable around, your the only person I like to talk to Leah, I fucking love you Leah.' Let abit to much out there but oh well it had to be said.

'Miley I'm sorry but..I don't think I can love you' Great course she doesn't who does?

'I'll leave you alone from now on if that's what you want, wanna know why I would leave you alone, cause I care about your feelings more then I care about mine, I love you there I said it not in some silly song, the thing with you is I would never let anybody or anything hurt you I've never felt that way about anyone.'

I say while taking my hand away from hers by unlocking our fingers, I look her in the eye as one single tear drops from my eye and with that I leave the club I know she'll have a key and she can just call a taxi. Right now I just need to be far away from her, as far away as possible.

An: Guys what the fuck I want active but dw im going to back to being active now. Anyway hope ur enjoying the story. 1073 words!!

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now