Youll snap out of it

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5 days later

Me and Leah didn't do anything at the sleepover the most we did was sleep in the same bed. Not like that it was pretty chill we mostly just talked about football and interviews. Talking of football we've got training again today. I throw some clothes on and put my training kit in my changing bag. I get in my car and go to training I'm like the 5th their I was about to go into the changing rooms but I get pulled aside. 'Miley we need to talk after training' Leah says then leaves me just standing there for a second. I try to get it off my mind and go to the changing rooms but it's the only thing on my mind. I get changed and after I'm ready basically everyone enters the changing rooms including Jonas. 'So girls I have been told to assign you houses for the new upcoming season and the final which is tomorrow. So let's start of with the houses that have 2 people in. Beth and Viv since I know you two are dating. Jordan and Stina. And the last 2 is Miley and Leah since I know you two are mates. And the rest wait I'll just give you the sheet and wait for you too get ready.' I mean atleast Jordan and Leah arnt together but me and Leah are together so that adds onto it. After a couple minutes we all walk to the field in little groups and me and Leah falling behind them. 'I mean atleast we're together' Leah speaks up. 'Yeah you exited' I say trying to carry on the conversation. 'Nah' she says rolling her eyes and punching my arm. That little bitch. 'Do you know Miley I've never met someone as dangerous,talented and flawed as you' she shoots me a quick wink and runs off to get a ball. She goes to pair with Sophia I know she basically has to since she's captain and she needs to make everyone feel welcome but I keep feeling jealous the way there laughing with each other. I'm probably just overthinking I go to pair with alessia to do some pair work well that's what Jonas told us to do. Over 30 minutes all I hear is Leah and Sophia giggling so as any jealous person would do I go to Sophia and ask to borrow her for a second well I didn't really ask I just grabbed her arm and pulled her away. 'You know Leah belongs to me yk?' Sophia looks at me and smirks 'Leah might belong to you but you belong to me' I look at her disgusted. 'Erm what the freekity freekity flop' I try not to laugh while saying it. 'You heard me' Sophia holds a straight face looking into my eyes. She goes back to Leah. What just happened. Well that was weird. Training finally ends after about 30 mins more of training. We have the keys for our house and we need to settle down quick for the champions league tomorrow. I hop In my car following Leah's car to our new house. It's a good house and our next door neighbours are Beth and Viv so that's lucky it's not Jordan. I put a bit of gum in my mouth and go inside to the house. 'Damnn' I say out loud it's bigger then it looks from the outside . 'Miley sit down I need to tell you something since I didn't after training' I sit waiting for leah to come sit down as well. 'I want us to be more then friends' no she doesn't I know it. 'You'll snap out of it' I say still chewing my gum. 'Don't do that Miley just caught my feelings again' righttt 'I'm not friend material let alone more then friend material I'll ignore you stomp on your heart and put my needs and interests first.' Leah just smiles at me 'Miley you can keep trying to push me away but it won't work' Yes it will. 'I almost killed you trying to slide you that one day' it's true. 'I survived' not a good enough answer 'beginners luck' probably is tbh. 'I'm tougher then you think' Leah looks in my eyes and comes close till we're inches apart. I go back up a little 'your making a mistake' she is 'probably' is all she can respond. 'Definitely' I say back to her immediately. She lean back into me making us inches apart. 'Leah I said you making a mistake' is all I can get out before she makes our lips collide. She kissed me and I kiss her back. Jesus I've missed this. It's not a harsh kiss it's a soft one. I hear a knock on the door but just ignore it before someone lets themself in. I pull away from Leah and see the door closing again whoever it was left straight away they must of saw me and Leah kiss. Shit. I go on my phone to see if anything has happened but I only see one notification. Beth Mead tagged you in a photo. If this is-

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now