Media day

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Yesterday was the game and we won of course 3-1 against Man U. I scored 2 and Less scored 1. Back to me and Leah hugging it was a long hug but we haven't talked since that to be honest I don't really wanna. I've been working on myself these past 2 days but I still can't get her out of my mind she's always in the back of my mind. Right back to today it's a media day so no training. I've got a couple interviews and a couple shootouts. I open the doors to be greeted with Leah's eyes of course shes the captain so she has to welcome everyone. I look at her for a couple seconds then roll my eyes at her.

1 hour later

I'm sat down for my first interview with nearly everyone doing Interviews near me. (Int= interview M= Miley.)

Int: so how do you feel like this season is going so far and well done on the World Cup win.

M: Yeah to be honest I think it's going great we haven't lost a match yet and thank you.

Int: do you think you've got a possible chance of winning.

M: if it's winning the league definitely.

Int: so now I'm gonna ask you non football questions is that ok?

M: Yea that's fine
I tense up knowing some are gonna be about Leah

Int: so how many tattoos have you got I can see one on your wrist

M: Yeah the one on my wrist is matching with Billie. And together I think I have 4 tattoos one on my calf saying 'it's easy to get to the top but hard to stay' I have a little on near my shoulder which is a Nike tick and that's all

Int: that's only 3 what's the fourth

M: I Said 4 i only meant 3
I do have 4 but the fourth is one on my Inner thigh is ';' I don't think I've told anyone about it and I don't think anyone's seen it. It's not like im embarrassed I just don't like sympathy.

Int:ah ok now we've all got the same question if anyone ever saved you in your life who would it be

M: my older brother
Im not gonna say he's dead because I don't want him to be remembered by mileys dead brother

Int: awww why have we never seen him

M: oh erm idk

Int: ok ok what about on the team anyone there

M: *looks over to Leah who's doing an interview and giggling* Leah.

Int: Oh do you know why you fell in love with Leah I've heard that's not like you.

M: I have never cared about anyone or anything in my entire life and the thing is everyone excepted it like that's just Miley. And then Leah. Jesus Leah. Leah. Leah didn't see me that way I have never know anyone who actually believed that I was enough until I met Leah and then Leah made me believe it too. So uhh unfortunately I don't think I'm over her *looks at Leah who's still smiling with the interviewer and nods*
Oopsies a lot came out there

Int: that's will definitely have the media shocked anyway I think we're finished here good luck on your next interview.

M= thanks.

Leah's PoV

'I have never cared about anyone or anything in my entire life and the thing is everyone excepted it like that's just Miley. And then Leah Jesus Leah Leah... Leah didn't see me that way I have never know anyone who actually believed that I was enough until I met Leah and then Leah made me believe it too. So uhh unfortunately I don't think I'm over her' I over hear Miley saying to her interviewer. Well that's sweet but she still refuses to talk to me. Ok I will admit it was dumb. But I didn't do it. All I wanna do is explain to her. (Int= interviewer L= Leah

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now