The talk

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I'm walking with Beth to the field but I keep looking at Leah I can't help it. 'Miley what are you looking at' Beth says suspiciously everyone is suspicious we was the last ones out of the changing rooms as well. 'Leah?' I'm just giving an honest answer 'why Miley' why not to be honest. 'I could eat that girl for lunch as she dances on tongue taste like she might be the one and I could never get enough I could buy her so much stuff it's a craving not a crush.' After I say this Beth looks at me disgusted 'you asked why' I shrug. I catch up to Leah and whisper in her ear 'Baby I think you were made for me somebody write down the recipe been trying hard not to over eat your just so sweet' I shoot her a wink before going back to Beth. I think Beth heard by the way she's looking at me. 'I'm gonna get you into groups of 5 girls do 5v5s for now' Jonas starts pointing at people. 'Katie Beth Viv Sophia Miley vs Leah Jordan Stina Frida Alessia' great Leah and Jordan are in a group if I could punch anyone right now it would be Jordan the smirk she has when she heard hers and Leah's name. Oh well it's not like me and Leah are together so she's free to do whatever she wants I guess. I havnt got the ball once and we're 5 mins into the game might as well go for the ball now. I watch the ball with very carful eyes and it's gets passed to someone I go in for the slide and I feel a body land ontop of me they got up ready to have a go at me. I look up to see who it was. Oopsies it was Leah. 'Oop sorry' i quickly needed to say that or I was gonna get shouted at so bad I swear to god. I get up and I see Sophia has the ball let's see this girls skills. Oh great she's a ball hogger only I'm allowed to do that I've shouted pass like 8 times now and she isn't giving me the ball how hard is it omg. 'Maldita pase la pelota' (fucking pass the ball) I'm basically shouting at this point. Training ends with a 3-1 win to our team luckily I scored 2 and Viv scored the other. In training I kept seeing Sophia looking at me I don't know why like yeah I get it I'm attractive. Even tho Sophia was looking at me the whole time I was looking at Leah I'm happy we sorted it out and I'm happy we're having a sleepover tonight I think she's picking me up and I'm staying for 3 nights. I mean hopefully we get along like we used to.

At 8 o'clock

I'm ready In a tight suit to go clubbing I have a short sleeved smart t shirt on with the top button undone. The t shirt is tight so you can see my abs through it. I can't be arsed to wear a blazer over the top so guess what im not gonna. I finally hear the doorbell ring and it's Leah greeting me with a smile and her starting into my eyes. I look at her for a second taking in all her beauty Jesus I already know we're gonna get drunk tonight so we're going to the closest club near her house. 'So Miley I saw you post a quote on your story about a crush who is it' oh yeah kinda forgot I did that earlier. 'Like I would tell you but I don't wanna but when I tell you there the perfect girl like damn there the girl I want.' I don't know how to respond it's obviously about her. 'Who's the girl you want tell' still pushing i see. 'Nah I'll pass' I say letting out a small giggle. 1 2 your the girl that I want. Does she not know it's very obvious I still like her but I'm bored so I'm gonna make her jealous tonight hopefully it doesn't make her too jealous. 'Miley this has been on my mind for a long time but why did Mapi keep pushing you in the game.' At least someone noticed just not the shit ref. 'Ohhh yeah dyk when I used to erm fuck people like one after another yeah she was one' she already knows about my past with the girls. 'This is gonna sound really weird but what did you two say while doing it..' Weird question but I'll give her what she wants. 'I'll just explain it it's easier like what we did and what we said' she nods 'she said I'm going to fast take it slow so I slapped her on the ass while pulling on her hips she looked into my eyes like girl it's good she loved the way I was fucking her so she said give it to me mummy that's what she kept screaming give it to me mummy she loved the way I beat it lights went low so we got naughty then she said take it slow put it down on me then she jumped on me rid like a pony lights down low time to get naughty and with all of that I still showed no emotions' she looked shocked at the last bit because I actually showed emotion with me and Leah doing it. After loads of silence we arrive at the club going straight to vip. We go sit down in our booth. 'Wait right there I'll go get out drinks' I whisper in her ear. I go get our drinks and was stopped by a fan we had a pretty good conversation until she asked this question 'What was your first thoughts of Leah' might as well tell them 'when I first saw her I was just immediately in love' the fan looks at me with sympathetic eyes 'right I got to go back to the table to go give Leah her drinks' I say then walking of basically Immediately with our drinks. I see Leah on her phone watching TikTok 'Leah I've got our drinks get of that phone' she looks up at me then turns off her phone and puts it onto the table. I see a lonely girl on the dance floors perfect chance to make Leah jealous. 'I'll be right back Leah' I wonder off to that girl 'care to dance' I say looking into her eyes. Not as pretty as Leah's eyes i mean nothing can be prettier the her eyes, I look at Leah who has jealous spread around her face. The girl nods at me then puts her hands around my waist I also put my hands around her waist. We dance slow to a song and I keep looking at Leah who looks like she's growing angrier past the second she keeps giving the girl dirty looks. After the song is over I go back to the table to Leah. 'You alright' she's back on her phone. 'Leahh are you ok' she looks up from her phone. 'Ye' she says emotionless. I grab Leah's arm and go out the door I think it's also time to go back I'm drunk not that drunk but still drunk. I put my arm around Leah's waist while walking back to her house. We get back to her house after like 5 mins of wobbly walks. I sit on the sofa and Leah sits next to me. I lean into her ear 'I'm not sentimental but theres something about the way you look tonight makes me wanna take a picture make a movie with you that we'd have to hide. You better lock your phone and look at me a little more won't take a lot to get you going I'm sorry if it's torture though I know I know. It might be more of an obsession you really make a strong impression nobody saw me in the club no body saw me in your arms' I pull away looking at her waiting for her answer I feel her hot breath on my ear 'I wanna make them jealous I'm the only one who does it how you like' I mean it's the truth though. What if I just-

An: left you guys on a cliff hanger there also 1407 words!!

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now