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It's finally the day of the final and I'm actually so nervous but I've got Leah with me. My one and only girlfriend. I never thought I would have a gf before but here I am. I never believed I'm made for love. She's showed me all the aspects of love. Even arguments sadly. I don't know I feel this strong connection to Leah and I don't know what it's about. The bus stops meaning we're here. 3 hours to our life's change. 3 hours to the final.

3 hours later

We're in the tunnel waiting to go out. The music is basically bursting my ear drums at this point but oh well we're literally in the final. Leah gives me a side smirk while I'm front of the line. I see the people moving in front of me it's finally time to shine.

20 mins into the game

We are 20 minutes in and I'm trying to think it's a normal game to focus. Until I hear the Spanish side of the stadium erupt and I just feel my heart drop. They've scored now they have an advantage. Leah takes the kick before I get the ball and fall the ground and feeling a sharp pain in the ankle. No no get up. Get up Miley. I try to stand up but I fall straight down holding my ankle. I put my hand up to see my sock red with blood. I tilt my head back a bit and moan out of pain. Leah sends me a smirk as she's waving the medics to come over. 'Not the time Leah but after.' I say sending her a smirk back. She goes red before the medics come and push her out the way. I don't know if I'm gonna play the rest of the game. I feel pressure on my abs. 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING' I look at the medic shouting at them. I'm fucking injured and all they can do is touch me. Disgusting pedo. I look at them as they give me a new sock saying I'm ok. 'Just for you too know I'm not into men' I look at the medic and spit on the floor getting up after getting a new sock on. I take a free kick passing it to Alessia who passes it to Ella. I see the stadium erupt. I go over to the girl forgetting I need to take it easy now on my ankle. I run jumping into Ella's arms. 'YES GET IN' We go back to our side.

Second half

I get passed to near the penalty box and go for the header and fall in the process but hear the stadium cheer. I feel bodies pile ontop of me. I guess I scored. I feel a kiss on my cheek obviously from Leah and I smell her perfume. Later on I get passed to again. I'm just on the edge of the box and as I know we don't have long of the game left I shoot with all my power and I see the ball swerve past the keepers hand before I feel bodies jumping ontop of me. The final whistle blows. We've done it we truley have done it.

An: Sorry I'm not uploading a lot Ive got lots of books I'm working on rn like one or two others. And I'm gonna start another one today but the next part won't be up soon. It's gonna be about Ivy and Leah Williamson. ivy is gonna play for Arsenal and be a part time song writer but she never sings to people only to herself and she never uploads her songs.

~Hate to love~ Leah WilliamsonWhere stories live. Discover now