New room

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Erin reappears and I hop up from the bed, ready to go. "Your room should be ready at my place now. I've had Adam and Kevin working on it for you." Erin looks at me to see me pulling my shoes on. "You didn't need to get them to sort it out I would have been fine with just a bed." Erin shoots me a sympathetic look and I hop off the bed. Jay looks down at my shoes then back up at me confused. "Why haven't you done up your laces kiddo?" I look down feeling slightly stupid. Feeling it would make it look worse if Erin did them for me, I crouch down and tuck them into my shoe so that they weren't flying around everywhere. Erin gives Jay a disapproving look and crouches down to tie my laces for me but I move my feet away. "I'm just going to tie them Amber." She looks up at me and I shake my head. We all walk out together and I keep close to Erin holding her hand so that I don't lose her. As we walk out she elbows Jay in the ribs. "OUCH! What was that for!?" I laugh a little bit and squeeze Erin's hand. We hop into Jays truck and he drives us to Erin's house. "Have you got everything you need Amber?" I nod my head and slowly climb down out of jays truck. Like who needs a car that is this tall? We all walk inside and Erin covers my eyes. She leads me through the house and we stop. She slowly uncovers my eyes and my jaw drops. My entire room was Harry Potter! "YOU DIDN'T!?" Erin laughs at my reaction. "I did. What do you think?" "I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! THANK YOU!" I look around my new room and spot something on my desk. I point it out looking at Erin confused. "What's that?" She leads me over to it and picks it up. "This is Lego. Thought you might like it as it's something to do." I hug her extremely tight. "Thank you Erin." She smiles and hugs me back. "No problem hun." Everybody leaves my room after I say thank you to them all and I sit at my new desk, in my new room, in my new house. In my new life. I love it all. I pick up the Lego and see that it's Harry Potter. I pick the biggest box and open it, starting to build it. It was a massive Lego Hogwarts!

A few hours later (ERINS POV)

It's been a few hours and Amber hasn't left her room since we left her to look around it. Once everybody had left, I walk through the house, with Jay behind me, to Ambers room. I knock on the door and get no response so I push it open to find Amber laying on the floor building Hogwarts, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban on the TV that Kevin and Adam had mounted on the wall for her. "Amber?" She completely ignores me as she looks through one of the bags to find one of the pieces. Jay chuckles at this and goes and sits on the bed watching the TV with a confused look on his face. "What's even going on in this?" Apparently this was all that was needed to get Ambers attention. "You've never seen Harry Potter!?" Jay looks at me for help just to see the same shocked face. "Erin! Did you here this!? How is he living with you and never watched the best series in the world!?" I smirk at her and she smiles back at me. We both look at Jay who is looking slightly scared and look back at each other shouting at the same time "HARRY POTTER MOVIE MARATHON!!!" Jay laughs at this. Amber looks at Jay and rolls over laughing. "Erin I think we scared him! Look at the look on his face!" I join in the two of them laughing. After about 10 minutes we finally gain composure. "Okay so I'll go to the shops to get the snacks, Amber you get the movies ready, Jay you help Amber move her Lego to the living room because you can never leave a Lego set half finished." I leave whilst the other two move the Lego into the living room, putting the Lego on the coffee table.


I move the bags of Lego to the living room whilst Jay brings my already built pieces in. I grab the remote and bring Erin and Jays Netflix account up looking away whilst Jay puts the password in. I put Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone on the TV waiting to put it on until Erin comes back. Whilst we wait, Jay starts to make our tea whilst I continue to build my Lego. About half an hour later, Erin walks back in with a few bags on her arms then Voight walks in behind her carrying the rest. Jay laughs at the sight. "I thought you was grabbing a few snacks to eat throughout the movie?" I don't notice they're back until Voight walks over to see what I'm doing. "Whatcha doin' over here kiddo?" I jump and fall off the couch but he catches me just before I hit my head. "Thanks Voight!" He looks at me laughing slightly. "Please kid, call me Hank? Yeah?" I nod and go back to building my Lego. "I'm building my Lego set that everyone got me." He looks at it impressed about how far I've got through it already. "Oh that reminds me, Will called Erin." She walks over to the two of us. "What did he say?" He taps my shoulder to get my attention. "He said that it is ADHD but you also have autism." I nod my head and go back to building my Lego. Erin and Hank sit on the couch next to me talking whilst I build. About 20 minutes later, Jay calls out for us to go sit at the table. "But I wanna continue making Hogwarts!" Erin picks my up and guides me to the table. "And you can once you've eaten." I sigh but push the pasta around that Jay has made for us. "Why aren't you eating kiddo? Remember what me and Erin told you. You've got to eat every meal." I ignore him, trying to persuade myself to eat. Erin leans towards me to whisper in my ear. "What's up hun?" I look up at her and shake my head, not wanting to seem disrespectful. Erin catches on and hands Hank my plate going to the fridge and grabbing my pasta from the diner from last night. She heats it up and places it in front of me. "She doesn't like certain pastas. Don't take it to heart Jay."

A/N - If you have any ideas just comment and I'll try putting them in. Hope you're all doing okay <3

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