Actually its Lindsey or Halstead

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I get to form and I sit down, instantly taking my jumper off. Miss Christophorou looks up from her work as I sit down. "Good morning Amber! How are you?" I put my jumper in my bag before responding. "Morning Miss. I'm okay. How are you?" She smiles at me. "I'm doing great!"

Just as I predicted, Miss goes into her drawer and pulls out a squares breakfast bar. She comes and sits next to me, placing the breakfast bar on the table in front of me. "I've already eaten." She gives me a stern look. "I promise. I have eaten. Mum had me eat a cereal bar on the way to school. I can message her, show you that I have?" I pull out my phone and message mum.

Mother xx

Hey Mum.
Miss wants to know that I
had breakfast. Can you
back me up?  x

She did. I had her eat a
cereal bar on the way in. x

Thank you x

I show Miss Christophorou my phone, proving to her that I have eaten and she nods and smiles. "I'm proud of you." I smile slightly and nod my head. She heads back to her desk and other students start to walk in. Alicia comes in and sits next to me, just as she does this, Olivia walks in and looks at the both of us, anger showing all over her face. "Morning Lishy!" Alicia turns and looks at me. "Morning Amber. How's Slinky?" I laugh at her. "Damn you wanna know how my dog is before me?" She bursts out laughing and I do too. Miss looks up at us, smiles, then gets back to what she was doing.

Olivia sits behind me and boots my chair so I pull it forwards. "Where was you yesterday, Parker?" I smile slightly at her. "Actually it's Lindsey. Or Halstead. Either one works. But I aren't Amber Parker anymore. And it doesn't concern you on where I've been." She kicks my chair again and I ignore her. "What lesson have we got first period?" Alicia turns to me after grabbing her time table. "We have maths first thing." I roll my eyes and lay down on the table. "I can't be bothered with maths!" Alicia laughs at this and pats my back. "Well you're gonna have too cause I ain't doing it on my own."

Form has just finished and me and Alicia are on our way to maths. A group of boys walk up to us and a guy called Lucas puts his arm around Alicia who, I may add, looks extremely uncomfortable. "Hey pretty ladies!" I push his arm off Alicia and stand between them. "Keep your hands off of her." We continue walking and I wrap my arm around her waist and she wraps hers around my shoulders. Just as we're about to walk into the classroom, she mumbles out a small 'thanks'. I give her a small squeeze and we walk in and sit at the back together.

The lesson feels like it's going on forever. "Can this lesson go any slower?" Alicia chuckles at me and continues to write something. I've already finished my work so I pull out a sketchbook that I found when I was looking in my room. I start doodling little dinosaurs on the paper and other random things. The teacher walks up to the table and taps my book. "Why aren't you doing your work Parker?" I look up at him. "I've already finished it. Also it's either Lindsey or Halstead. Not Parker."

He walks away then comes back a couple minutes later with a different worksheet. "If you finish your work, Lindsey, you put your hand up and ask for more instead of spending this as leisure time." I nod my head and take the sheet. "Yes sir." He walks away and I look at Alicia, rolling my eyes. "Who would ask for extra work?" She laughs at this and looks at the worksheet I've just been given. "That looks so difficult." I look at it then back at her. "This looks easy."

I spend about five minutes doing the work and in that time I finished it. By this point, Alicia finished her work as well so we just sat there, talking. "Oh yeah. Are you meeting your mum at the district tonight?" She nods her head. "Yeah. Why?" I smile. "Wanna get a ride back with me? Mums picking me up. Slinky should be there as well. Dad said that he's gonna be at the district whilst nobody is at the house. I doubt we'll be able to go for a walk cause of the other day but you can still meet him." Alicia bounces in her chair slightly. "I'd love too!"

The day slowly passes, the only thing happening is a small argument between me and Alicia about lunch and by the time the days over, I'm absolutely exhausted. Once the final bell has rung, I walk around trying to find Alicia as we had English last lesson. I find her stood outside our form room and we head outside to meet mum. As we're walking out, someone shoves me from behind. I turn around to see it's the guy who put his arm around Alicia this morning. "What do you want Lucas?" He smirks at the two of us. "Oh nothing." I take Alicia's hand and start walking again. "Leave us alone then."

We get to mums car and she greets us with a smile. "Hey ladies! How was school?" Me and Alicia look at each other then back at mum. "Boring." We both say it at the same time causing us to burst out laughing. Mum chuckles at this and starts driving to the district. "You ready to meet Slinky, Lishy?" I look in the rear view mirror to see her enthusiastically nodding. We pull up outside the district to find Voight stood waiting for us.

Why's he waiting? He never has before.


Hey peoples! How's your day been?
If you haven't already, go get a drink of water and grab a bite to eat. You deserve it.
Love y'all!

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