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After the check up, Dr Manning leaves and I lay down with Erin. We stay like that for a little while until Jay walks in. I tense up and push myself into Erin, holding on to her tight. "Hey it's okay. It's just Jay. You're safe now." He sits on the chair away from my bed. "You feeling okay kiddo?" I nod my head, still holding onto Erin. A few minutes later, Dr Manning walks into the room. "Erin? Jay? Can I talk to you outside for a moment please?" They leave me laying in the bed but Jay doesn't close the door properly. "We think that the best idea, moving forwards, is to get Amber into regular sessions with maybe Dr Charles or Dr Reese. They want to talk to her soon to see if it's so severe that they need to put her on a phyciactric hold. I'll come and notify you both when they are ready to come down and talk to her." They walk back in and Erin looks straight at me. "Please don't let them keep me here. I don't want to stay here I want to come home with you. Please Erin." She pulls me into a hug. "I'll try my hardest but if they think it's necessary then I can't really do anything about it." I pull away from the hug and lay back down with my hands over my face. I stay like that for the next 15 minutes until I hear the door open so I look up. "Amber this is Dr Charles and Dr Reese. They're coming to talk to you about what you've been through. Jay? Erin? We need you guys outside whilst they talk." I sit up panicking. "No. I want Erin to stay." Dr Charles walks over and sits next to me and I move away from him. "It's okay Amber we just need to talk and Erin will be right outside." I shake my head but Erin hugs me and walks out. "No! Erin!" I try to get up but Dr Reese sits me back down. "Hey hold on. Look. Look through the glass door. She's sat right there against the desk. It's okay." She helps me to calm down and I sit back down. "So Amber, I'm just going to get straight into this as in my experience it has always worked out best. Have you ever brought harm to yourself or thought about ending your life?" I nod my head whilst Dr Reese gently rubs her thumb on my hand. She grabbed it to help me steady my breathing. I hadn't even noticed. "Just one or both?" He was really straight to it and it scares me slightly. "B-both..." He nods his head. "And how often do you think about it and how often do you harm yourself?" I look down then look back up. "I... Erm... T-The last time I hurt myself was... Was earlier today. It was the first time I had done it in a while... about killing myself. A couple of hours ago. He was touching me. It hurt and it gave me these... These flashback things of when I was with Matthew. I heard what Dr Manning was saying to Erin and Jay though. You can't take me away from them. They're the only reason that I stopped hurting myself. They're the only reason I don't want to go. As soon as I got a message from Erin whilst I was there. All the bad thoughts just went. The only reason I didn't let go whilst everything happened just a few hours ago is because I knew that Erin would find me. I knew that Jay would find me. Yea I may be scared of a man's touch right now but I need Jay just as much as I do Erin so please don't take me away from them!" He nods and Dr Reese gives my hand a little squeeze. "From what you've told me, I don't think you need to be put on a hold but I do think that you should start therapy with myself or Dr Reese here if that's okay with you?" I nod and the two of them stand up and walk out allowing Erin and Jay to walk in. I instantly hold my arms up for a hug. Yes I'm 15. I know. Fight me. (Maybe not now though). Anyway, Erin gives me a hug and Jay sits in the chair Dr Charles had left next to my bed. "You feeling okay pipsqueek?" I look at Jay confused. "Pipsqueek? Really?" He laughs and holds up a hand for a high five. I flinch back into Erin but still high five him. We all stay sat down together with Jay and Erin talking whilst I sit playing with Erin's rings. "When can we go home?" I look up at Erin. "I think you should be able to go home soon but don't quote me on that I don't know." I nod my head. "I could go ask Will if you want. I could probably find him. Or I can find Nat?" I nod my head, thanking him as he walks out. I continue to play with Erin's rings until she pulls them out of my hand. I look up at her and she is looking at me with a concerned look. I sit up and turn to look at her. "Are you okay?" I nod my head instantly. "I'm fine..." She gives me her signature stern look. "Now I want the truth Amber." I look down but she lifts my head up to look at her. "I'm not... I'm really not okay Erin. I want to be. I just don't know how." I lean into her chest and cry. She holds me tight until Dr Manning and Will walk in with Jay trailing behind. "I'm hearing you want to go home Amber?" I nod my head. "As much as I love seeing my favourite ginger, I hate hospitals." Jay laughs. "Hey she's more like you than we thought Jay." Jay hits Will's arm whilst he laughs. Dr Manning does a quick check up to see if I'm okay to go home, which I am, so we head out after Erin signed the discharge papers and finds out when my first therapy session is.


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