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Jay helped me to set up my new phone and he added the teams numbers into my phone. Once everything was sorted with my phone I headed back into the break room to continue building my lego. I finally finished it. It looks amazing. I start to get bored so I walk around in circles in the middle of the room. I fall over and lay on the floor laughing whilst Jay and Erin pretty much break the door down. "Are you okay hun?" I stick my thumb up in the air because I was laughing too much to talk and that earned a laugh from Jay. He helps me up and we all head out into the bullpen. Erin sits me on the chair at her desk and I look up at the board. Erin looks at me with a concerned look as I stare at the board. "Amber? You okay honey?" "I-I recognise that guy." Voight walks over to me and sits next to me. "Where do you recognise him from kid?" I stay quiet for a few minutes trying to think. "Erm... He showed up at my school at one point. He was... he was talking to a few of the kids in sixth form..." He nods. "Do you know the name of the sixth formers?" I think for a few minutes before shaking my head. "Do you think you would be able to recognise them if you saw them?" I nod. Voight tells us the plan and Erin lets us go home for the night.


"Amber. It's time to get up you have school today!" I roll over in my bed and pull the covers over my head. "Amber come on. We can't be late. We've got to meet Voight so that we can get straight into the plan." She pulls the covers away from me so that I have to get up. "I'm up. I'll get changed and meet you downstairs." I do exactly that and I go straight to the door. "Bababap. Breakfast missis." I roll my eyes and walk to the bottom of the stairs. "JAY!?" He comes running to the top of the stairs in his shirt and some shorts. "What!? Who's hurt!?" I give him an innocent smile. "Can I have one of your breakfast bars again please? Erins not letting me go to school until I've eaten something." He looks at me slightly annoyed. "Yea they're in the drawer next to the fridge." I smile up to him. "Thanks." He starts walking away. "Don't scare me like that again kiddo." "Sorry!" I grab a coco pops bar and I walk out to the car. Erin drops me off and I head in whilst her and the team waited outside for Jay to get here. It's mid way through form and the tannoy goes off. "Will all staff please bring their students to the assembly hall." With that, we all grabbed our bags and head to the assembly hall. I sit at the front on one of the chairs at the side like I always do. I smile at Erin and Jay when I see they're looking at me. Once all the year groups had come in and been seated, Mr Brown starts talking to us all. "Attention students! We have the Chicago Police Department here today to talk to you all about the severity of drugs and alcohol and the trouble it can cause." Voight walks from being against the wall to being in the middle of the hall. "Thanks Mr Brown. So. You kids think drugs and alcohol are so cool right? Well news flash for you all. They're not. They can cause some serious damage." This talk continues for the next half an hour and once it's over the head teacher walks over to Voight. "Thank you for that Sargent Voight. I'm sure everybody will take what you and your team have said. I'm going to dismiss each year group one by one. Amber Parker stay behind please." As everyone gets dismissed, I stay sat in my chair looking over at Erin confused. Once everyone leaves, Mr Brown turns to the team. "Can I speak to Amber on my own please?" Erin shakes her head and walks towards me. "No. You want to say something to her you say it in front of me. What do you want to talk to her about?" He looks at me frustrated like I was the one saying that Erin was staying. "Fine then. Amber I want you to delete them photos you took of my students." I look up at Erin then straight back at him standing up. "I won't delete them photos." He tries to take my phone out of my hand. "Touch me. I dare you." He grabs my phone so I hit him and grab it back. "Keep your hands off my property." Erin grabs me when he attempts to grab ahold of my wrist. Voight comes over and tries to lead me out of the school but I pull away from him. Erin looks at me confused and tries to hold my hand but I back away. I run straight out of the hall and into the bathroom on the maths coridor. I lock myself in a stall and pull a blade out of my bag. I slowly pull it along my wrist when I hear the door open. "Amber?" I completely ignore her. It's Erin. I continue to draw blood. "Amber open the door!" "Leave me alone!" She knocks on the stall door. "Amber if you don't open it I will break it down." I open the door after pulling my hoodie sleeves down and try to walk past her. She instantly grabs me and pulls me into a hug. "Erin let go. I- please let go of me." I try pushing myself away from her but she holds me tighter. She leads me outside and into Voights car. She takes my bag off me and puts it on her back then leans against the chair. "I'm gonna go back inside and talk to Voight. Then we're gonna head to the district." I nod my head. "Can I have my bag back please?" She shakes her head. "What? Why?" She puts my bag down on the floor and leans against the side of the car. "I see the blood honey. I know you've got something in your bag that you used. I'm gonna keep your bag with me and we're gonna talk about it tonight when we get back home okay?" I nod knowing there's no way I'm getting out of this.

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