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I walk into the house, confusion printed on my face until I hear a light patter of feet. I look at the floor to see a little golden retriever puppy running at us.

I turn around to look at Erin who is grinning widely at me. "You didn't!?" Jay laughs at me and nods. "We did. Say hi." I crouch down and the puppy instantly knocks me over. Luckily mum was still behind me so she catches me. "Boy or girl?" Dad laughs before answering. "He's a boy and he is in need of a name." I think for a minute, flapping his ears slightly. "Slinky." He looks a little confused. "He's called Slinky."

Time skip

It's been a few hours and I'm now laying on the floor with Slinky sleeping on my stomach. "Amber. It's tea time." I don't make any movements. "I can't. Slinky is asleep on me. He chose me." Dad laughs at this before walking over and picking him up. "Dude! He was comfy there!" Dad lays Slinky on the couch and pulls me up to my feet. "And he can be comfy again after you've eaten." I roll my eyes and sit at the table.

Mum slid a bowl of spaghetti bolognaise with a bit of cheese sprinkled on the top. I don't touch it which causes mum to give me a stern look. "Eat Amber." I look up at her then back at my bowl. "I can't." She sits next to me and puts her hand on my back. "You've been doing so well honey. You've got this." I ignore her and still don't touch my food. "The cheese isn't melted so I'm not eating it. I don't like cheese unless it's melted." Mum nods her head and goes and puts it in the microwave to melt it. Once it was done and the cheese was melted, she slides it back over the table to me. "Thank you." I pick up my fork and slowly begin to eat.

I eat about half of the bowl then push it away, not able to eat anymore. "Can I be excused?" Dad nods his head and continues eating. "You've got to stay in the front room though hun." I roll my eyes whilst I stand up. "I don't see the point in it." As I walk away, Slinky runs along behind me. I sit on the couch and pull out my phone whilst Slinky lays on my lap.

Lishy x



Guess what!!!




I send her a picture of slinky and he poses for it. He is so photogenic.

What's he called!?

He's called Slinky.
Mum and dad surprised me
with him when I got home from

He's adorable. We gotta take him
for a walk together at some point.

Of course.
I gtg. See you at school.


"Time for bed Amber." I look over at Erin. "Come on mum. Please can I stay up a little longer. Please?" She shakes her head. "You have school tomorrow. Come on." I get up from the couch with Slinky following behind me and make my way to my room. I help Slinky up onto the bed and climb in myself just as Erin and Jay walk in. "Actually sleeping Amber. No going on that phone." I roll my eyes and I get mums signature stern look. "I know. I know. Sorry." Dad laughs at me and tucks me in. "Night pipsqueak." I let out a chuckle. "Why pipsqueak?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Why not?" Mum kisses my forehead. "Night hun. Remember we're just next door if you need us." I nod my head. "I know. Night guys." They leave my room and I cuddle slinky and go to sleep.

The next morning

"Amber come on you need to go to school." I keep hold of slinky. "But he's gonna be at home on his own all day!" Jay gently lifts him from my arms. "He's going to come to the district with us so he'll be there when you get there after school." I look at him, patting Slinky. "Promise?" He nods his head and holds out his pinky. "Pinky promise." I lock pinkies with him and pick up my back pack. "Your mums dropping you off and picking you up by the way. She's already in the car." I give him a quick hug. "Thanks dad."

I head out to the car where Erin is already sat in the drivers seat. I put my bag in the back and jump into the passengers seat. "There's your breakfast." She hands me one of Jays cereal bars. "I'm not hungry mum." She turns in her seat to look at me. "I know honey but you have to eat. Remember what Hank said last night? You're beautiful. You don't need to lose weight. Okay?" I look down at the floor.

"But Miss will make me eat as well so that means I've eaten a lot more and I'll gain weight." Erin rubs my face. "Do I need to call Hank because he will come straight away if he needs too. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen honey. Please eat this. For me." I slowly take it and unwrap it. I hold it in front of me for a few minutes trying to persuade myself to eat it.

Eventually, I take a small bite of it. As soon as I did, I put it down. Mum, apparently already knowing what's going through my head, takes my hand in hers. "You've got this. I'm so proud of you." I take a couple more bits then pull the wrapper up over the rest and put it down. Mum finally pulls away from the house and drives to school. When we arrive, I'm about to get out of the car but mum stops me. "I'm so proud of you. Keep it up. You've got this." I smile slightly and nod my head. I pull the collar of my shirt and straighten up my tie before getting out of the car.

This uniform is so annoying! The jumper is constantly making me itch. It's so uncomfortable. I walk straight through the doors and, ignoring everyone else, I walk to form.

Today is going to be a long day.


Hey guys. Sorry for not updating in a while. Here you go though. I hope you're having a great day. Or already had one. How've you all been?

If you haven't already, go drink some water and eat some food. You deserve it. <3

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