Chill day

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The next morning, I wake up, my head pounding. I feel a small weight on my chest so I raise my head to find Slinky, curled up in a ball on top of me.

About five minutes later, Erin walks into my room with a slightly concerned look on her face. "How's your head? Are you feeling okay-?" I quickly cut her off before she goes and asks a billion and one different questions. "I'm fine mum. Just happy that Slinky is safe."

She nods her head, looking deep into my eyes, almost as if she could read my mind if she tried hard enough. "I'm going to go make breakfast so be downstairs in ten minutes." I nod my head and slowly lift Slinky off of my chest and lay him on my bed as Erin leaves my room.

Ten minutes later, I'm changed into my school uniform and heading downstairs with slinky at my heels. "Morning dad." Jay walks over and scruffs my hair. "Morning pipsqueak." I rush to push his hands away from my head. "Dad!" Erin chuckles at us and slides over a plate of toast too me. "Thanks."

Once I finished eating my breakfast, me and Erin head out to the car and head to school. "I'll see you tonight honey. Love you!" I undo my seat belt and start climbing out of the car. "I'll see you tonight mum. I love you too." Just as I close the door Erin shouts out to me with a stern look. "Make sure you eat lunch."

I roll my eyes and walk off and into school. I head to form to find Alicia already there. "Heyyyyy!" I smile and sit in my seat next to her. "Good morning. Someone's in a really good mood." She nods her head at me. "Of course I am. You're back in school again." I nod my head. "Can't leave you alone with Olivia for two long."

We both start laughing as Miss Christophorou walks in. "Morning ladies." We both smile and wave too her as she walks over and sits with us. "How are we both this morning?" We both reply with 'good' and she nods, happy with our response.

She goes back to her own desk and me and Alicia continue talking. Today is starting out really well. Knock on wood. All through form, me and Alicia sit, messing around and joking about.

Just as we all start packing away to head to our first lesson of the day, I hear my name being called. "Amber! Wait back a minute!" I look at Alicia confused but stay at my table whilst everyone else leaves.

Everyone leaves for their first lesson and Miss walks over to my desk. "How are you this morning?" I smile a genuine smile. "I'm okay this morning. Thanks. How about yourself?" Miss Christophorou smiles at me. "I'm doing good. Have you eaten today yet?" I nod my head. "I had some toast before I left this morning." She gives me a slightly sceptical look. "I have. Honest." At this, she nods her head. "I'm happy to hear that. You keep it up. You're doing well."

I thank her and start walking down the empty halls to my maths class with a note saying why I'm late. I walk in and hand sir my note and head straight to my seat at the back of the room with Alicia. Mr Wright sets the work and I finish it really fast as it's just basic quadratic formulas. I help Alicia with hers and we end up just sitting there doing nothing.

I look around the room because I felt a lot more relaxed than I normally do and I want to figure out why. Where's Olivia? She wasn't in form either. "Hey Alicia?" She nods her head in acknowledgement. "Do you know where Olivia is?" She looks around the room aswell. "I don't know. Let's enjoy the peace we have before she's back." I laugh a little at her statement and pull a whiteboard towards me and drawing a tic tac tow grid on it.

We play that until the end of the lesson and the rest of the day follows the same way. It kind of concerns me that Olivia hasn't been in at all today. Ever since I joined here, I've never known her to miss a day of school.

I wonder what's going on?


Hey peoples. It's been a while! Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've not long started sixth form and I've been swamped. Thought I'd give you all a update, being nice this time.

I hope you're all doing okay and you've been treating yourself right. If you haven't done so today, go grab something to eat and have a glass of water. You deserve it.

Love y'all <3

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