Safe. Again

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"PLEASE DON'T! I DON'T WANT TOO!" He kicked me in the side. I think the other guy told him exactly where I was hit because the place he just hit me is the place that the other guy hit me the most. "Shut up and do as I tell you too!" He pulls his pants down and I try to push myself away but he traps my ancle between his feet. He forces himself onto me and he did what he wanted for the next few hours. I wanted it to be over. I want everything to be over. I want me to be over. Eventually, he stops. He leaves and I feel something vibrate in my back pocket. My phone. They didn't take it! I manage to pull it out of my back pocket to see Erin messaged me. I share my location with her and message her.
Amber please message me.
I need to know you're safe

                            Erin that's my location.
                                    Send help please!

We're coming baby.
It'll be okay

I stay there with my phone back in my pocket then both of the guys walk in just as my phone vibrates. "What the hell was that!?" I try to back away from them. "YOU DIDN'T TAKE THE PHONE OFF HER!?" One of them walk over and stamp on my thigh, pretty sure they ripped open some of the cuts. "Hand over the phone and it won't get worse!" I shake my head and they both start attacking me. "STOP IT! PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU!" This went on for the next hour until I heard something slamming to the floor. "CPD STEP AWAY FROM THE GIRL!" One of them pull out a gun but Erin launches herself at him whilst Adam tackles the other guy who had attempted to run. Jay runs over to me and I try to back away but because of the chains attached to my wrists I couldn't. "Hey. It's just me. It's just Jay." I kick my legs out to get him away from me. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Erin rushes over to us whilst Kevin takes the other guy outside. She undoes the chains around my wrists and I instantly back away from everyone. "Amber it's okay. Come here. It's Erin. Come here." I don't go to her. I continue trying to back away from them but I hit a wall. Voight walks towards me and picked me up. Just like when him, Jay and Erin got me away from Matthew, I fought against him but he wouldn't put me down. He carries me outside to where an ambulance is waiting. He puts me down on the gurney but I can't stay. They'll find me again. I try to get up but the two paramedics kept me on the bed. I start to hyperventilate as I struggle against me so they try to put an oxygen mask on me. I push it away so Erin comes over and forces it over my head. The paramedics push the gurney I'm on into the ambulance and one of them climb in the back followed by Erin who was currently keeping the mask on my face whilst the other paramedic climbs into the front to drive us to the hospital. All the way there I struggled against Erin who was still holding the mask on my face. "I want it off! Take it off!" The paramedic spoke up whilst trying to take my blood pressure. "You need to keep it on Amber. It's to help you breathe. There's nothing bad about it." I finally manage to get the mask off my face and I just turn over so I'm not facing any of them. "Amber can you roll back over on your back for me please? I just want to make sure there's no pressure against your lungs from breathing on your own again." I roll my eyes before responding. "There isn't. I'm fine." After that, I didn't speak to anyone. At all. Not even Erin. When the ambulance pulls into the ambulance bay at the hospital, the paramedic rolls me into my back despite me trying to push her off. They have Erin hold me down and they wheel me into the ER. I heard someone shout out as I'm trying to get myself away from everybody's hands. "DR MANNING. TRAUMA TWO!" A doctor ran over to us, pulling gloves on. "What do we have Brett?" The paramedic called Brett responded. "Amber Lindsey. 15 years old. Physical abuse. Signs of sexual abuse." They push me into a room and transfer me onto the bed. "Amber. I'm just going to listen to your lungs so I want you to breathe in and out." She tries to put the stethoscope up to my chest but I push her hands away. "Amber she just wants to help you honey." I shake my head and turn my back to them both. "I'll come back in a little bit Erin. Try again." She leaves and Erin comes around so she was in my view. I try to turn back over but she grabs my shoulder to stop me. "Amber. I need you to talk to me honey. Why won't you let Dr Manning help you?" I shake my head at her and try to roll over again but again she stops me. "I need words honey. Talk to me please?" I wipe away the tears that were streaming down my face but they just keep falling. "I-I don't... I don't want people touching me because... because it happened again..." She looks at me with tears forming in her own eyes. "Do you mean that the same thing happened as what happened whilst you was living with Matthew?" I nod my head and she pulls me into a hug. I try pushing her away but she won't let go. Eventually, I just embraced it. Dr Manning walked in, ready to try again. "Are you ready for me to start your check up Amber?"


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