I love you

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"Hey ladies. Alicia, you're mums upstairs head on up, Platt will buzz you up." Alicia begins to walk away and I go to follow but Voight puts his arm out, blocking my way. "Hold up. I need to talk to you." I look at him then at Erin confused. "W-What about?" He nods his head towards the door and begins walking in. I look back at Erin then follow him in. I head up to his office where he is and walk in.

Once I'm in, he tells me to close the door. I turn around to do so and realise that mum didn't follow me in. "W-Why- Why isn't mum coming in?" He points to the chair. "She's the one who asked me to talk too you." I sit down in the chair and look at my feet. "About what?" I'm slightly scared on what we're going to be talking about. "You wasn't too sure on eating again this morning. Was you?" I shake my head. I should've seen this coming. She said she'd tell him. "Why not?" I rub the back of my neck. "I don't wanna gain the weight I lost."

He leans forwards onto his desk. "Ambs look at me." I don't so he leans over and lifts my chin. "Think of it this way. You continue not eating, you don't get a choice on the nutrients and protein and all that going into your body. Because you'll be in hospital, being watched by doctors. You eat then you'll be able to keep in control of what I know you think is the only thing you can control. You don't need to lose weight. You're beautiful. Okay? So don't doubt yourself." I stand up and walk to the door. "I'm fine. I'm working on it. I ate this morning when mum asked me too didn't I?" He looks me right in the eyes. "But did you eat lunch?" I just walk out.

I go sit on the floor by mums desk where Alicia and Slinky are. "He's so cute." I smile at Alicia then she looks over at Kim who is sat at her desk. "Mum can we get a dog?" Kim looks up and over to us. "I'll think about it. Go do your homework." I laugh and play with Slinky. "Hey little missy. You need to go do your homework as well." I smile at her. "Already done it. Only homework we got was maths and because I finished my work faster, I got given the homework in lesson and I did it in like five minutes." Alicia rolls her eyes and looks at me. "Can you help me with mine then Amber?" I nod my head and we walk into the break room with Slinky at our feet.

I explain the way I do the work to Alicia then she does the next question on her own. "Why don't the teachers teach us it this way? It's so much easier!" I laugh at her and lay on the floor with Slinky on my stomach. A couple minutes later, Erin and Voight walk in. "Amber. Back in my office." I look at my mum then at Voight. "I'm helping Alicia with her homework. I'll come in when we're done." Alicia looks up at the adults then at me. "It's okay. I get it now. You can go." I sigh and lay back down on the floor. "Come on Ambs."

I pick Slinky up and slowly follow the adults. Mum closes the door behind me. "Sit down." I sit down and stroke Slinky who is sitting on my legs. "W-what's up guys?" A couple seconds later, Jay walks in with a pizza box. "You need to eat. I want you to eat at least two slices." I look up at dad then at mum. "N-no. No I can't. I won't." I stand up to walk out but Jay and Erin both block my way. "Honey you've got to eat. It's either you eat now or you eat at the hospital." I shake my head. "Mum no. I'm not eating and I'm not going back to the hospital. You can't make me!" She sits in Voights chair and the boys walk out. "You have 10 minutes to eat at least two slices or I'm taking you to see Natalie."

I sit back in the chair and just stare at the pizza that Jay had brought in. "Mum..." She sighs and walks around, crouching next to me. "I know honey. Look, I'll eat a slice with you. How about that?" She grabs out two slices of pizza and hands me one. Mum takes a bite of her slice and nods her head. "You got this." I slowly bring the food up to my mouth and take a small bite. "Good job. You got this."

For the rest of the time, Erin talks about random things to keep me distracted and after about 20 minutes, I had eaten the two slices I needed too. "I'm so proud of you hun. You did amazing." I shake my head and put my face in my hands. She crouches in front of me and Slinky jumps off my lap. Erin pulls my hands away from my face so I look at her. "You did amazing. Don't you doubt yourself for one second. I'm so proud of you. So is Jay and Hank and everybody else on the team. So please don't think about damaging your progress." I lean into her and cry on her shoulder. "I love you so much honey." I squeeze her a little. "I love you too mama."


Hello peoples. How are you all?

I'm currently ill which is fun! I hope you're all doing well.
If you haven't done so today already, go drink some water and grab something to eat. Love y'all.

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