Akaashi x f!reader

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Y/N works hard to make people happy. She hopes that her stories and art will reach people. She is a web comic creator after all. Y/N loves her job and wouldn't trade it for anything, even though she has to work a second part time job to live comfortably. She never wants to stop making art.

Y/N is also lucky to have a friend that is an editor. Every other week they meet up at a coffee shop and he looks over her two most recent episodes. He claims that he does it because he is invested in the story, but Y/N suspects that there is another reason. It's the little things, like the way Akaashi looks at her.

Y/N doesn't mind of course. She thinks Akaashi is very kind and polite. She enjoys spending time with him. If he ever decides to ask her out, Y/N already knows that she will say yes. Not just because of Akaashi's looks, because he is undeniably handsome, but because she genuinely enjoys the person that Akaashi is. He is calm and collected, and while he is really polite, he can also be blunt. Especially when it comes to Y/N's work.

Y/N appreciates Akaashi so much for everything he does. And they don't just spend time together to work on Y/N's story. They actually spend quite a bit of time together. Usually they go and get coffee together. But Akaashi and Y/N sometimes watch things together too. They enjoy spending time with one another.

Y/N and Akaashi just make sense together. They click. Somehow their two personalities mesh together seamlessly. It's easy for them to be around each other. They want to be around each other. They have incredible chemistry. Both as friends or possibly as something more. They always have, ever since the first day they met.

Y/N and Akaashi met on accident. Akaashi was rushing to work one day when they bumped into one another. Y/N had been carrying an iced coffee, and the impact caused her drink to spill down the front of Akaashi's shirt. Y/N apologized profusely and offered to pay for the shirt. But the always calm Akaashi declined. He said that Y/N could make up for it by giving him her number. Y/N didn't even hesitate and the rest is history.

"Are you even listening?" Akaashi deadpanned. This snapped Y/N out of her thoughts. She looked up at Akaashi with a panicked expression. She hadn't meant to get lost in thought. This was important. Akaashi was giving her some of his time in order to help give Y/N advice on her newest two episodes. She should have been listening instead of thinking about how they first met.

"I'm sorry Akaashi!" Y/N apologized. "I was lost in thought. Can you repeat that?" Akaashi sighed.  Truthfully, he wasn't upset. It was just unlike Y/N to zone out during one of their meetings. She is always so passionate about her work and is usually hanging on to Akaashi's every word. She is normally so excited and eager to make her work the best that it can be for her readers. Knowing this, Akaashi couldn't be upset.

"It's fine," Akaashi waved off her apology. Akaashi turned his attention back to the tablet and pointed to a panel with the back of a pen. "This character," he pointed to one of the side characters. "They haven't been in the story for a while, right?" Y/N nodded. "You might want to include an introductory for his character again in case any of your readers don't remember who he is."

Y/N's eyes widened. "I didn't even think about that." She grabbed the tablet and rested a quick text box. She could play around with it real quick to see what she liked. If it doesn't work, Y/N knows she could easily select it without messing up the rest of the panel. Y/N wrote down the character's name in the box. It wasn't perfect, but it would do for now. "What do you think? I'll make it look better later, but should I add anything else to it?"

Akaashi looked over the box and shook his head. "No, that is exactly what I had in mind. It's simple and reminds the audience of who he is." Akaashi patiently waited for Y/N to put the tablet back into view only. The continued to go over little corrections here and there for the next two hours. But then they were finished.

Y/N smiled brightly at Akaashi as they wrapped up. "Thank you, I really appreciate all of your help Akaashi," Y/N thanked. Akaashi nodded. He truly didn't mind helping out. He enjoys spending time with Y/N. She makes editing fun and is always super responsive to his feedback, unlike some people he has to interact with at work.

Akaashi opened his mouth to respond but was interrupted by his phone. Akaashi looked down to see a message from Bokuto, asking if he had decided what he was going to do with the extra ticket. Akaashi had never been more grateful for a text. It reminded him of what he was planning on asking Y/N today. Akaashi put his phone away and looked back up at Y/N. "L/N," he began.

"Yes, Akaashi?" Y/N hummed.

"I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, but I keep forgetting. My friend Bokuto gave me two tickets to watch the upcoming MSBY Black Jackals game. I was wondering if you would like to come with me?" Akaashi explained calmly. He had never asked Y/N to do something like this before. He was hoping that she would pick up on that and know that it would be a date. Akaashi watched Y/N closely.

"I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding this," Y/N said nervously. "But, are you asking me on a date?" Akaashi nodded. He watched as Y/N's nervous expression transformed into a small smile. Y/N tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. "In that case," she said slowly. "I would love to."

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