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Karen woke up to the sound of machines beeping, she felt her head hurt so bad and she didn't know how she ended up where she was. After opening her eyes she closed them back again for a moment and all the memories came crashing her again. Karen couldn't help it but cry in that moment. She cried and cried then felt hands on her and words of encouragement from her sisters and her kids.

"Karen , you're okay it'll be fine. " Dorinda said .

"Let's pray ya'll ." Jacky said.

"Karen you're going to be fine baby, God got you." Twinkie said as she was about to hold hands with everyone and before they could start Karen disturbed them.

"He's gone isn't he? " Karen asked crying.

"Mommy shhhh... " Kierra said.

"My son's dead , I tried saving him. I really did, I tried coming here." Karen said while she just kept crying.

"It was nothing the doctors could do mommy , they tried putting him in NICU after they took him out he was in there for 2 days but he didn't make it through another night. " Kierra said shattered that she had to tell her mother such terrible news.

"How long have I been here?" Karen asked avoiding what Kierra had just said and stopped herself from crying.

"It's been two weeks, today was the day of prayer that's why we're all here. The baby was cremated since they didn't know when you will regain consciousness to make the decision. " Drew said.

"Drew I'm gonna have to ask you to leave... please leave me alone." Karen said to Drew.

"I'm sorry Karen... I didn't know about the pregnancy. "Drew said and more tears fell from Karen's eyes.

"Drew please... please leave." Karen said again.

"Was he mine?"  Drew asked and Karen shot an offended look at him.

"What do you mean was he yours? " Dorinda asked Drew ready to throw hands. And Karen felt the anger within herself.

"I mean like was I the father?" Drew said

"You ignorant hopelessly bewildered idio-" Dorinda said but then Kate cut her off.

"No! He wasn't yours and you took him from me to be mine so leave!! " Karen said to Drew.

"Karen that's not fair. I'm sorry I didn't know okay? " Drew said to her.

"And that makes it okay Drew? You treated me like dirt John leave! " Karen said and her sisters tried to calm her down.

"I'm sorry for your loss. " Drew said heading out.

After Drew leaving everything got really quiet and Karen couldn't even cry anymore.

"Karen why did you lie to the man?" Twinkie asked.

"You lied to him ma?" J Drew asked.

"Like you'll believe me J Drew. " Karen  said.

"It was his son? Our brother? " J Drew asked her.

"J Drew I've never cheated on your father!" Karen yelled tears kept coming through her eyes.

"Well ma' why did you just lie to him about the baby?" Kierra asked her mom.

"Our relationship is over Ki, he pushed me and I fell to my stomach and there was blood... even though I probably hate him right now, I don't want him thinking he's the reason his child is dead." Karen said

"Think it? Karen he is, that man pushed you! " Dorinda said.

"Dorinda he didn't know I was pregnant." Karen said.

"He still had no business putting his hands on you mama' " J Drew said to her.

"That's right Karen... you can't protect him like this. He is wrong but he also should know that the baby was his. " Jacky said.

"Guys, Karen doesn't want the man knowing so ya'll should keep him from not knowing out of respect for her... you don't tell people how to mourn." Twinkie said to them.

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