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After lunch on Sunday with her sisters Karen felt like she needed to tell someone about her pregnancy just in case something happens or that maybe she shouldn't live alone, because here she was at 50 pregnant by a man who doesn't want her or trust her. She just didn't know who or how to.

But Karen knew she is gonna have to learn to live alone and try to do things on her own even around the house. She had to adapt not only for her sake but for her baby's sake also.

Karen hasn't spoken to her kids since then , especially J Drew. He wouldn't answer her calls or texts, with Kierra it was better because she would text her mother and tell her she's fine or ask how she was even though their relationship wasn't like normal she still appreciated her texting back. The people who would be on call or on text with her back to back where her sisters, she was glad that she had her sisters in her corner.

Karen wanted to start with the whole adapting thing so she decided to do the one thing she doesn't like doing alone... which was grocery shopping.

Karen got in the car and drove to the store to get some groceries in and she had to admit that she did buy a lot of stuff. Getting back to her car she packed everything in and got on the road. She had to admit also that she was driving pretty slow... she wasn't concentrating , she felt a bit of pain in her stomach and she was getting uncomfortable and to make my things worse there's a car behind that keeps on cranking it's horn at her.

"Hey old lady , you should really drive more carefully and at least pick up pace." A woman said to me through her window.

Karen looked up at the woman and wanted to say something slick back but her pain made the whole situation less of a big deal.

"Are you okay lady?" She heard the woman say and Karen just looked up and started driving off but her face was planted in her image because she called her old.

Karen decided that she would go to her husband so she can tell Drew about the baby... if it's anyone who has to be there for the baby it's him, right? He was the one who convinced her to through all those shots and all those appointments... he encouraged her even after the embryos they've lost. Her sisters had no business in making this baby and Drew had to take some responsibility since they planned to have one together.

"Karen? What are you doing here?" Drew asked after opening the door to see the person knocking was his wife.

"It's still my house Drew. And I didn't even know we were getting a divorce why didn't you tell me?" Karen asked the man before her.

"It was a decision I made, we have no business together so I suggest you leave Karen. " Drew said.

"No business together? Are you dumb Drew? We have kids and businesses literally . " Karen said to him 

"My kids with you are grown Karen, and as far as everything else I'm taking it in the divorce." Drew told her

"Why are you being so mean to me? Drew I am your wife, the mother of your kids. "

"But anyway I'm not here to fight with you, I have some serious news to tell you. " Karen said as she pushed Drew to the side so she can get inside the house.

To her surprise Karen saw a romantic setup inside the house and there was a woman sitting on the table drinking what it looked to her like wine and having the whole meal on her plate with roses and decoration.

"Oh hello , uhm- sorry to disturb I didn't know you guys were busy." Karen said with a pain in her heart.

"Hey Karen , oh no it's okay. I see it was disrespectful anyway doing this knowing it's your house. " Kenzie said to Karen.

"Oh uhm it's fine Kenzie, I was just getting the rest of my stuff but I'll get them later. " Karen said going towards the door.

Drew sighed opening the door and rubbing his temple, he really didn't want her to find out like this. He didn't even want to rush it himself but it was happening. He got outside with Karen and closed the door behind him.

"So I guess you're over the slut and ready to get with a  decent woman huh?" Karen asked him.

"Karen, it's not like that. " Drew said.

"Drew I HAVE NEVER CHEATED ON YOU!!!!" Karen shouted.

"You're still going to go with that? Why can't you tell the truth Karen... YOU WERE CAUGHT!!!!!"

"Our whole situation would be better if you just admitted it and apologised Karen but you chose to go and still get with your little men. " Drew said to Karen.

"Apologise ? Apologise ? I didn't do anything wrong... if anything you should apologise, you hurt me and I was willing to forgive you. But I guess I'll just do this by myself." Karen said reffering to her baby as she began walking away from Drew.

Karen drove back home with the groceries still in her car, she didn't even have the energy to take them out she was so drained and all she wanted to do was cry. She couldn't believe Drew would be so quick to move from her... she thought he loved her and she was the only woman for him. He told her that she was made for him but for him to go and move on this quickly ? With someone who was a member of the church? Is it possible this has been going on? She thought to herself .

"No, Drew would never do that. He's not the type of man to." Karen said out loud .

It was a few weeks after everything happened and it was now the month of her having to be busy with her sisters since they had a lot of performances and it was the week of the Gospel awards and they had to attend because a song of theirs was nominated.

The sisters were asked also to perform and their manager booked them performances also since they would be around the area for a while.

Karen loved New York, something about it inspired her and she loved it everytime she was there...
She was now having thoughts about moving here because she already had a house here. They bought it when Drew found out that Karen loved it here and they would come for a couple of days or most months then leave.

Thinking about Karen really wanted to move, she got in her house and looked around it and she felt like she could do it... I mean there's no point in staying back home, her life was no longer the same anyway. Or maybe she could stay here until she can find her own house back home because she couldn't keep living in her mother's house.

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