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"How ya'll gon' invite the rest of us here and ya'll didn't cook?" Karen's sister Jacky asked her.

"Ask Doe that Jacky , she's the one with the last minute  lunch." Karen said defending herself.

"Well I didn't know this girl didn't have no food up in here, Karen what have you been eating living here for 3 weeks?" Dorinda asked her baby sister who wasn't really a baby.

"I have been ordering out, you guys know I don't like grocery shopping by myself and all." Karen said.

"Well mommy if you had told anyone what's going on or that you're here then me or J Drew wouldn't helped you out you know. " Kierra said.

"Well I appreciate it honey , but it's been a lot that's going on I just wanted to rest is all without having to explain everything. " Karen told everyone.

They were making small conversations while they were waiting on the food they ordered talking about their lives on what has been happening for the last weeks not wanting to pressure Karen into anything. But everyone wanted to know what was going on really especially Kierra since it was her parents that were divorcing.

Once the food arrived everyone got settled, they took their orders and passed them on and said their prayers to start digging in their food and then J Drew came in into the house just as they were about to start.

"Hey everybody." J Drew greeted .

"Hi" " hey" "hello" were heard from everyone. And J went on to greet his mother by kissing her on her cheek and messed with Kierra's hair.

Once everyone was making their small talk Karen knew that they all wanted to know what was happening and as much as she was nervous... she just wanted to get it over and done with.

"So you guys, I know you're wondering what is going on between John and I, and to be honest I really didn't know either for the past 3 weeks. I haven't spoken to him in that time. " Karen started.

"As you know I haven't been to church, I haven't even been home."

"You haven't even been answering your phone." Dorinda added.

"Dorinda stop." Twinkie said to her little sister .

"Yes, I haven't been answering my phone. I was just, I was isolating myself from everything. "

"Honestly I found out today just like any of you guys that Drew and I are getting a divorce. He didn't talk to me about it... he doesn't talk to me about anything and when I go home to the house he just, he acts like someone i don't really want to know. " Karen confessed to her family even though they don't understand what's going on.

"So you mean Pops just woke up and wanted to divorce you? " J drew asked his mom.

"Uh- no, uhm your father was provided with images of me being or having sexual activities with multiple men... " Karen said ripping off the band-aid.

"So you were cheating on him momma? " Kierra asked.

"No , no , no baby, I have never and I mean NEVER cheated on your father... I only have eyes for your father. " Karen said honestly .

"Bullshit! Fuck this!" J Drew said throwing his napkin on the table in anger.

"That man trusted you ma' how can you do that?" J Drew spat.

"J Drew you will not be using that kind of language in this house you hear me!!?" Karen said to her son.

"See it's women like you that ruins things for guys like us in relationships, this why we can't trust no females." J Drew spat and Twinkie quickly walked up to him to him.

"Apologise to your mother right now!" Twinkie said and J Drew just looked at Karen who had tears in her eyes.

"Come one Ki let's go... our parent needs us right now." J Drew said grabbing Kierra's hand.

"J Drew. " Karen cried as he was walking out with Kierra behind him.

"Ki baby, please. " Karen cried

"Come on J Drew you're acting like a child right now come on!" Jacky yelled to her nephew and he walked out the door with Kierra following behind him.

Karen couldn't help herself but cry, she didn't know how to prove herself to her kids and husband that she never cheated , heck she wouldn't even believe it herself considering how believable the photographs really were. But she knew that it wasn't her and she was sticking up for herself no matter what.

"Karen how could you do that to Drew? That man loves you." Dorinda said to Karen.

"Dorinda I swear on our mothers grave that I've never slept with anyone other than Drew, I didn't cheat on him, I am being framed. " Karen said crying.

"I'm being framed and I don't know why he doesn't see this,  I've been too busy with other things than try to cheat... Drew and I have been trying to have another baby for the past 4 years and I've been consumed by the medication and appointments and then there's work and the church and all... where would I get the time to cheat? " Karen asked them rhetorically while still crying.

"I have never even thought, not even once thought about cheating on my husband... Doe I love that man." Karen said.

"I believe you Karen." Twinkie said holding Karen's hand.

"Have ya'll taken the pictures to a professional to see if they were authentic?" Jacky said .

"They are not authentic Jacky are you hearing me? I've never cheated." Karen said.

"No Karen , I mean as like... proof, I know you would never cheat on Drew." Jacky said to her baby sister.

"Oh uhm, yeah. Drew said that he did once when we were arguing about it and they told him the pictures are sure the real thing. " Karen said to her sisters and Dorinda just shook her her head in disbelief.

"You gotta believe me Doe, my kids are already mad at me and they don't believe me... I don't need my sisters not believing me also... I'll be all alone in this. " Karen told her sisters .

"I need you guys holding my hand because I really don't think I can handle losing Drew... I have been in this house being depressed and it was just from us not being together but now that I know that he wants a divorce? I don't know how I'm going to function. " Karen confessed.

"Even if I believed that you cheated we were going to support you Karen... we would've never let you go through this alone. " Dorinda said.

"So you believe me? " Karen asked wanting to cheer up.

"Yes Karen, we all believe you... I mean we all know you , there's no way you could cheat. You are just as crazy about Drew as you were when ya'll first started dating." Dorinda said causing everyone to laugh.

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