Twenty five.

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Karen and her sisters drove to her house and her sisters were on her neck, chastising her about letting Drew back in like that and how stupid it was for her to kiss Drew but all Karen was thinking about was her wife.

"BABY!" Karen yelled getting inside the house, now she hated how big her house was because was gonna have to search for her.

"Tamela!" Karen called out looking for her and her sisters helped her out.

"She's not here guys. " Karen said panicking.

"What am I going to do?" Karen asked

"You can look for her. " Twinkie suggested

"Twinkie that woman has a Jet... she could be anywhere by now. " Karen said feeling that she was about to cry.

"I'm so stupid. " Karen cried

"Yes you are. " Dorinda said.

"This is all Drew's fault, I pushed him... I- I slapped him when he kissed me. I didn't want him to." Karen cried.

"What do you mean?" Jacky asked

"He started kissing my neck and I pushed him away... then he apologised then he looked at me again , grabbed me then kissed me but I didn't give into the kiss... I pushed him back and I slapped him. " Karen said crying.

"But I guess my wife only saw the part where he kissed me... God my marriage will be over. " Karen said holding her head.

"So you didn't kiss him?" Dorinda asked.

"No, no... I love my wife. I would never do that to her... she's the only person I want. I know I messed up and I wanted to apologise also... but knowing her she could be out of the country by now. With Alden and Amani. " Karen said.

"I'm sorry for hitting you Karen... I didn't know that Drew kissed you. " Twinkie said.

"It's okay Twinkie... I understand, but don't ever put your hands on me. " Karen said.

"Uh.oh. " Jacky said.

"We gotta find that little girl. " Dorinda said.

"Would ya'll stop calling my wife a little girl? She's a grown woman! " Karen said.

"We know, it's just more fun that way. " Dorinda said laughing.

"I'm gonna kill Drew's black behind. " Karen said

"I should've never let ya'll leave me with him. " Karen said and she took out her phone to try and call the only person who would know where Tamela is.

"Sofia... Do you know where Tamela took Alden and Amani?" Karen asked over the phone.

"Well hello to you too sister wife... how are you doing today?" Sofia joked

"Sofia I'm serious...this is an emergency. " Karen told her.

"Oh uhm... no, I haven't spoken to her since this morning. What happened? " Sofia asked.

"We had a fight... a big one and I did something stupid ." Karen said.

"Oh then you know your wife probably out of Detroit by now." Sofia said.

"That's what I said... and she has the kids. " Karen said running her temple.

"Don't worry , she'll be back. In the meantime I'll check my contacts to see if she prepared any of the houses ya'll got across the whole damn planet. " Sofia said.

"You think she could be in the forest house?" Karen asked.

"Uh... no, I don't think so... she has Amani and Alden and it's always cold there. " Sofia said.

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