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"Karen , why would you have sex when the two of ya'll haven't fixed your stuff?  I swear you act like a horny teenager sometimes. " Dorinda said at her.

"We was caught up in the moment ya'll we didn't plan it. " Karen said.

"Ya'll need to talk with a mediator around so ya'll don't end up having sex. " Jacky said .

"Maybe I'm not cut out for relationships both my marriages have failed and ended the same way. " Karen said to them.

"Yeah but Tamela gave you a chance to tell the truth and you didn't... she also didn't put her hands on you. " Twinkie said.

"And I thought we were here to see the babies, cause I'm tired of talking about all of ya'lls life issues... I have my own." Twinkie said to them.

"You never tell anybody your issues Twinkie, so let us tell ours." Dorinda said.

"Ion know what you talking about, Twinkie tells me everything. " Karen said

"Oh now see that's just messy Twinkie! " Jacky said.

"What? Karen knows to keep quiet unlike the two of ya'll. " Twinkie said and the sisters just looked at her.

"Anyway Karen, Twinkie is right where my niece and nephew at?" Jacky asked.

"Tamela took them this morning... we're doing the 3 days rotation. She'll have them for 3 days and I'll have them then. " Karen said .

"Are you guys really going to go through this divorce?" Dorinda asked.

"I mean if she wants to... I'm not gonna force her to be with me. " Karen said thinking about the fact that she was with someone else now.

"Well, I definitely know she doesn't want to. " Twinkie said .

"I don't know Twink, you should've heard her... she was speaking as if she's doing me a favour divorcing me so I can finally be able to be a Christian.  " Karen said to her sisters.

"Is that what you want? To be a Christian and not be gay?" Twinkie asked.

"No Twinkie... I want my wife back I can be a Christian with her by my side. " Karen said.

"Then fight for her Kare... go to her now and tell her what happened!" Twinkie said.

"You know where she is? " Jacky asked and Karen nodded.

"Then Go Karen... don't be having sex either, just talk to each other! " Jacky said.

"I know... I'm not going to. " Karen said

"Good now get out of here! Go get your girl! " Dorinda said.

"Oh ya'll talking about now? " Karen asked.

"Yes now, Karen go! " Dorinda yelled and Karen quickly got up.  She put her shoes on and took her car keys and phone then got to get car to drive to Tamela.

All along they've been searching for her thinking left the country but Tam was in Karen's old house, the one she bought after her divorce and Karen first felt dumb for not even thinking she would be there.

Karen got in the driveway and parked the car, she saw a car she didn't recogbise but avoided it and she got out and she took a breath... she didn't even know what to say to her or how she was going to say anything but here she was going to talk to her.

She got to the door and wanted to knock but then used her key and she opened it then got inside, walking inside she found Tamela and Keisha playing with the twins on the carpet floor in the living room.

"What is going on? Why is she around my kids again Tamela?" Karen asked.

"Hey Karen uh... what are you doing here?" Tamela asked and Karen quickly walked to them and took Alden out of Keisha's arms

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