twenty two.

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The twins were now four months and Karen and Tamela decided that it was time for her to start going to church with them. She had convinced her wife to go with them since she wanted to be apart of every big step the twins would take in their lives and this was a big step. She didn't know how people would react to her but she figured that no one was actually going to ask.

They both entered the church looking like the rich couple that they are and pushing a stroller with two babies in it and Karen felt most eyes on them which she knew that that would happen. As far as their relationship went they were safe because you couldn't tell if they were together together, It looked as if Tamela was just be a visitor at the church and no one really would assume that Karen is gay, and if they did they wouldn't say it to her face the problem here was the babies, who they belonged to , and how come the ex-first lady knew the woman.

Taking their seats they sat among the congregation and adjusted that they can be able to sit with the twins. They sat through the service and actually had a good time which Tamela didn't expect but like usual she had people try to hide taking videos and photos of her, have whispers and all.

The service ended and they took the babies up for prayer from the pastors. There was a man amongst them who Karen didn't like because he kept eyeing her in a creepy way and she didn't really trust him because he has never said a word to her but he looked at her like she took something of his. But she didn't make a big deal about it, it's just now since she was an overprotective parent.

"Hey everyone... Karen." Drew greeted her after they were done and she was gathered with her family and kids like usual.

"Bishop Sheard" Karen said being respectful.

"Drew this is my wife... Tamela. Baby this is the Bishop, Drew Sheard." Karen introduced and Drew was shocked.

"Oh... your wife?" Drew asked shocked.

"And these are my siblings Amani and Alden" Kierra cheesed opening up their stroller being a proud sister.

"Oh I saw these little one's... " Drew said squatting a little to see their faces.

"The baby girl looks just like you Karen. As beautiful as ever " Drew said and he got up and cleared his throat.

"She is beautiful... as ever. " Tamela said and Karen held her hand to calm her down because she knew her wife didn't like Drew.

"I hope we see more of you at church sister Tamela." Drew said offering a hand to shake and Tamela shook his hand.

"I hope so too, it was nice to meet you." Tamela said and she took the stroller to leave not wanting to say anything more to the man who hurt her wife.

"Karen can I speak to you?" Drew asked her

"Uhm... sure." Karen said and she moved with Drew as they got in a spot where no one could hear them.

"Karen when did you get married? And since when are you gay?" Drew asked her.

"Drew respectfully you have no deal getting into my business, even if you were a bishop giving me a sermon about being gay." Karen said .

"Since when are you gay?" Drew asked her.

"Since I met my wife Drew, why do you even care about this?" Karen asked .

"Karen I know you lost your way during the years but this is no way to live-" Drew started off and Karen cut her off.

"Who in their right mind gave you the right to speak to me that way Drew? You don't have any idea about what I lost but that definitely isn't "my way" my life is perfectly fine, I'm not doing this to get back you or because you hurt me so much." Karen said.

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