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It's been a few months after their wedding at the island which they also spent their honeymoon. Tamela and Karen couldn't keep hands off of each other since then, If they were a straight couple they knew one of them would've been pregnant already.

Karen was handling her time very well where she would meet with her family , do her concerts with her sisters while also spending enough time with her wife. Both of them were busy people but Karen's time cleared up a lot after she stopped being a first lady of the church, she didn't have a lot of events to attend and she also found time to rest even in her 'busy' life.

Tamela on the other hand was working hard to not work hard anymore, she already reached her business goals and she was working hard to make sure that her business would be okay since she wasn't planning on doing much work now that her and Karen were planning to have a baby in the mix.

She loved being married to Karen even if they couldn't be together everyday or she didn't wake up to her everyday she understood that Karen wasn't ready for her family to know about them... plus they did move fast.

"Dorinda I'm not taking it off!" Karen yelled out loud, they were in rehearsals and each time she sees her, her sister is trying to convince her to take off the ring she 'bought herself' off her wedding finger.

"Karen I'm just saying , you could be passing on a good man because they would think you're married." Dorinda said.

"Well I don't want a good man." Karen said to her.

"It's expensive also, Karen I can't believe you bought that thing." Jacky said as they looked at Karen's emerald cut, 8 carat ring.

"Yeah Karen's taste has increased in the couple of months... we know that it's not Drew's money Karen what is it?" Twinkie asked looking at her in suspect.. 

"I still can't believe she gave him everything in their divorce to this day." Dorinda said shaking her head.

"Why are ya'll in my business... let's do this song, I wanna go home." Karen whined, today Tamela was flying here to see her and she hasn't seen her wife in a week.

"Twinkie doesn't want to practise you brought the sunshine." Jacky said looking at Twinkie.

"Jacky we not gon die not singing that song, we'll just improvise right Karen?" Twinkie asked them.

"Look at her... she over there on that phone don't be hearing nothing. Karennnn!" Dorinda yelled. 

"Dorinda what?" Karen asked holding back laughter , she was on the phone having a text conversation with her wife.

"You brought the sunshine ma'am!" Jacky said and Karen shook her head.

"You know more that one person been asking for us to do Angel Jacky" Karen said

"Now we not adding no Angel." Jacky told her and they laughed at her.

"Let's make this quick then." Karen told her sisters.

"Karen we still have two more hours, relax." Dorinda said.

"What!? Doe I can't do no two hours here." Karen pointed out... she had to, she wanted to fetch her wife from the airport and she had to do that in an hour.

"I wasn't pleased also but Karen why didn't you check the time?" Twinkie said.

" I didn't think ya'll would keep me this long." Karen said.

"Well stop whining and let's get through it thennnn." Dorinda said back at her baby sister.

"Would ya'll mind if a friend of mine come over here and just sit with us... I had already made plans and I guess I can't fetch her at the airport." Karen said.

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