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The three pulled over to the house and Karen was so shocked... she was in so much awe of the house that was before her eyes. The house was beautiful, it was a rustic morden house that had metal framing combined with barn board and glass  and she definitely could see herself living there .
Even though she wasn't a fan of glasses as the whole house but this house has sold her to be one.
But this only made her wonder more about Tamela.

Tamela opened the car door for her and she squeezed herself out of the many paper bags in the car. She really did take Demetrius's advise and went crazy at the stores and almost took everything. She even bought some sexy stuff to surprise Tamela with.

Tamela held Karen's hand and walked with her to enter the house.

"I have a surprise for you." Tamela said.

"Tam you've already done so much. " Karen said.

"Well you deserve more, come on let's go. " Tamela said excitedly .

And Karen walked in the house to clearly see all the roses and decorations made out throughout the whole house. I mean she could see a little bit from the outside through the glass but now she was seeing it in full effect , the birthday signs , the money laid out, flowers , food and some presents that were covered.

"So this is the business you had to take care of? " Karen asked in her raspy voice while fighting back tears.

"Yes, most of it Sofia and I planned it while you were knocked out on the plane but I had to come to make sure everything was perfect. " Tamela said and Demetrius worked on getting each and every bag inside the house so he could get to his little cabin and leave the two alone.

"I love this... oh my God " Karen cried.

"I'm glad you do." Tamela said looking at her lovingly as she walked around to look at everything.

"I love it, thank you so much" Karen cried running into Tamela's arms to hug her.

"You deserve so much more my love. " Tamela said to her and Karen cried.

She couldn't believe that she was being loved the way she was, she never thought anyone else would other than her husband who when she thinks about it didn't compare to how Tamela was treating her.

They sat down at the setup that was there and they ate their food and soft music was playing. All Karen heard was soft music, the laughters from her favourite person, the sound of peace from the outside that bounced off on the inside in a way. And before they knew it, it was late at night.

"Let me go shower." Karen said getting up to take one of the bags from the shopping she made.

After taking her shower Karen fixed her hair up and went to the bag to take out on of the lingerie she bought, she took out the red one since the room was filled with red and she went downstairs to surprise Tamela with it.

"Hey." Karen said in her lil pose.

"Oh... well hello. " Tamela said walking up to Karen.

"Come here. " Tamela said pulling her into a hug and kissing her all over her neck and sucking her neck.

"Mmh" Karen moaned.

Tamela took that as a green light to go ahead and she slid her hand under her and gently rubbed her clit and felt how wet she already was. Stopping, Tamela picked her up by her thighs while still kissing her and walked to the bedroom with her.

She put Karen on top of the bed and leans down biting and sucking on her nipples gently pulling on them. Then kisses down her stomach and to her clitoris and start sucking on it making Karen moan out loud.

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