twenty one.

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"What do you want us to say Karen, you dropped a bomb on us." Dorinda said to her.

"I would've appreciated if you didn't insinuate that I was a gold-digger to start with." Karen said to her sister .

"I'm sorry I said that, I know you have your own money and wouldn't involve yourself with someone just because of that." Dorinda said.

"But you said it anyway." Karen told her.

"I was hurt Karen, I said stuff to hurt you back... you're the person I run to to tell everything and you couldn't come to me?" Dorinda said and the other sisters watched their exchange.

"Honestly if it weren't for Amani and Alden I would have taken more time to tell ya'll. " Karen said honestly and her sisters shot a look of hurt at her.

"Now Karen... " Twinkie said in a warning tone.

"Seriously guys, I already experience internal homophobia from myself... I was scared of receiving it from my sisters, I didn't want to be an outcast. But now I have kids, my family is what I care about most." Karen said.

"I love my wife and I love you guys also it will be very difficult to live without you guys so please, please try to understand things from my perspective. " Karen said.

"I'm sorry we made this journey for you extra difficult Karen, it's just that you know with how we were raised... I guess it's more simple when this happens to someone outside your family." Jacky told her.

"We want what's best for you believe it or not, and if that girl is what is best for you then we will learn to be okay with it." Twinkie said and she looked at Dorinda.

"I'm sorry I said you were doing this for the money or the crisis thing, that was inappropriate of me, I love you Karen and I love all that comes with you in your life." Dorinda said to her.

"And I didn't just use Drew's money for every single thing Dorinda. " Karen said 

"I know... that was low of me. " Dorinda said.

"I apologize for keeping this big secret from you guys." Karen said.

"I just feel like we missed so much of your life, Lord." Dorinda said.

"I know... I'm sorry. " Karen said.

"It's alright Karen... we forgive you, right Dorinda? " Twinkie said and Dorinda nodded the sisters all got up and they hugged on each other.

"So Alden huh? What's with the white ass name? Excuse my French." Jacky said making the sisters laugh at the same time.

"No, my babies are full black, well... Alden got some white jeans in him because my wife is biracial, their grandad was white and he was named after him." Karen said to her sisters.

"Well can we meet them?" Twinkie asked and Karen nodded

"Let me go see if they're up." Karen said getting up.

She got back downstairs holding Alden and Tamela was behind her holding Amani and they walked towards them. Tamela gave a sleeping Amani to Jacky and she made her way back.

"Hey Tamela... I- I'm sorry for how I spoke about you and Karen earlier." Dorinda said.

"It's okay, I'm just happy that you guys are reunited, I'll leave ya'll to uh- to bond." Tamela said and she kissed Karen's cheek.

"Don't be over that computer working." Karen yelled at her as she disappeared from the room.

"She's always working!" Karen fussed.

"Well I guess that explains where the money comes from." Twinkie joked.

"This baby so cute Karen, looks just like you." Jacky said and Karen gave Alden to Twinkie but Alden was awake.

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