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Karen woke up in the morning to Amani screaming again. She was able to handle it since Alden favoured her and she could calm him down easily but Amani was not willing to go down without a fight.

She spent the whole day bonding and caring for the twins, she missed them a lot and having them with her brought her a sense of peace.

"Mommy man mommy man.. " Karen sung feeding Alden his bottle , of which Karen worried because she soon was going to be out of breast milk.

"Your sister is looking at me like she is going to murder me if I don't feed her right now." Karen said to Alden as Amani was in her bassinet .

"Atleast she's not being fussy right buddy?" Karen cooed and she heard the door open , looking up to see Tamela enter and she got in further to where they were.

"Can't you knock ?" Karen asked.

"This is still my house. " Tamela answered.

"Can you take Amani and feed her... I think she's been patient enough. " Karen said and Tamela took Amani out of her bassinet and gave her her bottle.

"I'm going to need more breast milk ." Karen said.

"I thought I was taking them today. " Tamela said

"You had them for an entire week and I didn't even know where ya'll where. " Karen said .

"I'll pump some out." Tamela said.

"Not some... a whole lot Tamela. " Karen said.

"Whatever man, I have some that I pumped with me also." Tamela said and it got silent with the sounds of the babies sucking on their bottles.

"Are you fucking her?" Karen asked seriously not looking her in the eyes.

"That's none of your business I'm sorry. " Tamela said and Karen was hurt by it so she kept quiet.

She finished with Alden and she burped him then put him in the bassinet so he can fall asleep as Tamela fed Amani. Soon she was done and she did the same with Amani and put her in the same bassinet as Alden so they can be together and she went to Karen in the kitchen.

"We need to talk. " Tamela said.

"Uh ... sure " Karen said wiping her face.

"You been crying?" Tamela asked .

"I'm sorry it's none of your business " Karen said and Tamela nodded.

"Alright, I just want to say that I don't blame you anymore. " Tamela said.

"Take the breast pump... what are you talking about? " Karen asked and Tamela took the pump and started pumping

"I mean... I should have never taken a straight Christian girl for a wife after 2 months of knowing her and just decided- " Tamela said but Karen cut her off.

"What? What the fuck are you talking about? " Karen asked.

"Why you cuss so much all of a sudden? " Tamela asked.

"Because I'm so angry... everyone is pissing me off! You just do things and say dumb shit like what you just said!" Karen said

"But Karen I'm telling you that I should've never gotten you this far into things, I mean I understand now that you're Christian and " Tamela said but Karen ct her off again.

"See?Dumb shit!" Karen said

"You think you turned me gay? You think you influenced me and pressured me to marry you... have kids with you? Poor little Karen who can't think for herself? " Karen said and Tamela took off the pump and covered herself.

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