Episode 16

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" why are you still lying like that , am certain you are okay" she said
" am not" I said in a faint voice
" I am a doctor silly " she said , gently knocking my head.
" oh am I ok. I didn't realize " I said in a smile then I stood up
She smiled
" you are really funny. Come on, I will drop you off" she said
Shit!! What I need is money not a lift
" no need. I don't think you are going my way" I said
" where is your way" she said
" well. You will go straight, then left, then right, then you bend, then you run and turn around then right again then-
" ok stop " she said in shock then she opened her purse And handed me a bundle of cash . I grinned
" thank you so much.. but U didn't have to, it's totally normal to get hit by a car. Anyways I can't reject this so thanks. Bye then " I said then I ran away

Omg, I am rich- I smiled happily but frowned when I remembered Anna

The room is now heavily guarded and locked with finger print. I miss her so much.
I know for sure that someone is trying to kill Anna but I don't know who it is, I want to tell someone but I don't know who to tell, I don't know who to trust. Doctor Tim is literally my biggest suspect

Anna how do I come to you. How do I save you
That drug is very dangerous, am sure it's already damaging your liver. If Anna takes any more of that drug she is going to die.


finally I was done with my shift so I headed home. I trekked down when a black car stopped in front of me. I tried running but 4 men in suit chased after me , finally they caught up to me and carried me with them

I kept screaming and kicking my leg up and down , they placed me in the car and drugged me , I didn't know where I was anymore


Oh my God, where am I , it seems I am naked and someone is romancing me.

I screamed loudly the I opened my eyes. I saw 4 women in white.they where applying all weird stuffs on my skin.

Soon they where done, they dressed me in a white robe and before I could run away nuella walked in

" I must say you have amazing skin Clara" she said
" thanks but .... why did you kidnap me" I said
" I need your help " she breathed
" what help " I said
" I want you to go aghc in my stead" she said
" what!!!!
" my dream is at stake here Clara. I really need your help " she said
I nodded
" okay" I said
" so what is your name" she said
" Clara da-
" shhhhh nuella maravella" she said
I smiled

She got a call then walked out. I stood up then I looked in the mirror , I looked so different and beautiful. My hair, my skin, my brows, even lashes extension. I looked so beautiful. 

Nuella's assistant walked in

" we already worked on your look , u just need to learn how to act like nuella. Luckily you both have almost the same personality, she is a bit clumsy, crazy and playful just like you are so this should be easy. Just be yourself " she said

I nodded

" so you just need to work on her walking step, you know she is a model then her intonation. We work on this till morning. No sleeping tonight Clara " she said

Oh God, I am in for it. I called my mum informing her that I will not be home

OMG I can't believe nuella is coming here. Nuella is a doctor, I just hope she doesn't find out that we are poisoning Anna. I mean Anna is her close friend, she will surely visit her.

I am so scared, how do I stop her from coming here.
God I already came this far, my plans can't stop now.

My mom walked in as I walked about my office

" mum" I wiped my tears
" Daniella I told you nuella is not that intelligent. She is such a dummy. She can never find out what is wrong with Anna I promise you" my mum said

" but how are you sure mum. Just one mistake and all my plan is ruined. " I said

" you fear too much Ella. Trust me on this. " she said then she hugged me " we have been poisoning Anna for two years now, she is already half dead. Even if they stop us today Anna will still die. Anna will never take what is yours from you ever again" she said then kissed my hair as she hugged me tight.

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