49: Keeping Quiet - S

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Birthdays aren't important for the bots, and there are reasons why.

It was weird how birthdays worked, and after much careful calculations, the bots had pretty much figured out as to when their birthdays would be according to earth years and such. Yet, although that time made it so that their brithdays were every x amount of earth years, they didn't seem to mind it.

The bots never actually called it a birthday, but a creation day, celebrating the day in which they were created and in the world of Cybertron. It was indeed a very important day for most bots,vespecially for younger years, but not for Sigma 17.

Chase never liked the big celebrations, and obviouslg, to prevent it, he said he didn't want anything like that. He was used to very quiet things regarding that celebration, as most of his young years of celebrating were in the hands of Ruby. Those times were harsher for Chase when it was his creation day, which made him never really enjoy celebrating, and is also why his adoptive creators made it so it was just the three of them on that special day and not have a hype house.

Boulder actually didn't mind doing celebrations, after all, his creators knew many people. Those times were fun, when he wasn't hurt at his own party, but it ws something he always seemed to look forward to. During the time of questionable silence, his brithday was quickly missed and left no celebration. He remembers how excited he was, but then nothing came, it really was something that hurt him mentally.

Blades always had asked the same question when his creation day came around, and every time, Ratchet had to keep telling him that he wasn't old enough yet to understand. He would always ask Ratchet what happened to his Sire, and yet he never actually got an answer. Ratchet eventually told him one time, double checking if it was a story the bot wanted to hear, and then told it once he got the ok. Since that moment, Blades really felt a little forgotten by his sire, and knew there was no chance of redemption there, which really hit down each time he celebrated.

Heatwave never truly celebrated his, he never wanted a celebration for it at all. Each time it came aeound, all he could be reminded of was all that he doesn't have, all the pain he has gone through till that very moment. Typically on that day, he would hide himself away to avoid everyone, and Ratchet never pushed to celebrate it if Heatwave never wanted to.

Heatwave was happy Optimus didn't make it a big deal when he and Bumblebee visited (well, it was mostly Bumblebee, Optimus basically just appeared out of nowhere), he actually didn't mention at all that the day it was just so happened to be his birthday.

"Heatwave." The bot was quick to snap himself back into reality, looking over in the darkness of the bunker to see Blades being the voice in question. "Um, carrier sent something."

"Blades, you know how much I don't celebrate my creation day." The bot responds to the helicopter, watching as Blades still decided to push the present in the direction of his servos.

"I know, carrier said you didn't have to open it if you didn't want to." Blades mentions, watching as Heatwave slowly goes to take it to possibly open the present he was given.

He slowly opened the strange box, not even sure as to how Ratchet even managed it to be so cleanly made in the first place. With that, he found a note lying on top of something, pretty much covering what it was that is being gifted to him.
I had some help to create this gift for you on your creation day, as not all memories should be bad or forgotten. I hope you take the moment to realize how much you really have when you see it.
Heatwave looked down as the item was no longer covered, seeing something clearly not made as a real photo, but a well done drawing that he never thought he would see in his life. In that nice frame of metal, there lied a image that never would be found in any of the files on a datapad.

"It's beautfiul." He mutters, finding himself happy to see what it was.

Although it was just a picture, it had much more meaning to him. It had him, Blades, Ratchet and Starlight all together in it. It was actually the only picture he has of Starlight, which really made him happy to have some sort of image to her still despite his messed up memory.

Maybe this birthday wasn't too bad after all.

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