24: Reflect - S

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The bots have a nice painful reflection from their messed up day.

"Is anyone else sore?" Blades asks, basically dragging himself off the lift to the bunker.

"You're sore?" Heatwave literally couldn't believe that it wasn't obvious, his body wasn't physically straight in posture (as for attraction, in no ways is he going to be straight, not anymore) by this point. "I bet I have dents inside of me."

"At least you weren't crushed by both the wall and the rock in your servos." Boulder mentions, still remembering how much pain that first left him. "Not to mention how quick it happened too."

"I was flipped," Chase states, not really going into further details eith those words that he spoke. "And blasted."

"Chase, get off the floor." Heatwave nearly stepped on the bot, but even if he did, both of them would've been taken out.

"I would, but I can't." The police bot was a starfish on the ground, and knew no bot in the room would have the ideal ability to pick him up with how done they were. "This is very pleasent though."

"I haven't felt this beat since the academy." Boulder decides to point out. "It's like my processor then has been transfered to my body."

"At least you weren't lifting two bots at once back then!" Heatwave argues. "Those practice bots were at least a giant gap from my weight amd I still had to carry then both at the same time!"

"Remember that one professer who threw a ton of datapads at everyone?" Chase says, trying to think of the name.

"Oh yeah, that Mech," Blades didn't sound too thrilled to hear what Chase had said. "He threw most of those at me, I think he didn't like me."

"That Mech didn't like anyone, except for Boulder for some reason." Heatwave states, Boulder still wondering how he was never hit with a datapad at all with that teacher they all had. "If anyone has a bad teacher record, it's Chase."

"Really?" Boulder didn't believe it.

"Yeah, all of my teachers didn't like me because of my creators." Chase explains. "If I had to pick a favourite, it would be Madame Ruby."

"Didn't you say that she constantly harass you or something?" Blades was a little concerned by the name that was given, after all, what he heard about that Femme wasn't too good. "Or was she the one who let you get beat in the halls?"

"All the teachers let him get beat in the halls Blades!" Heatwave tells the helicopter, literally stressing the statement. "Even the cleaners let it happen!"

"Yeah, now that is shameful." Boulder comments, bowing his head due to being reminded of more things he didn't wamt to be reminded of that day.

"Madame Ruby is my favourite because she was honest with how she thought of me, but yet again, seeing her face while she was being brought into custody was funny." Chase chuckled a little, literally finding arrests to be hilarious when it was all one hundred percent truthful from the start and couldn't be denied.

"Please don't tell me that is true." Blades speaks.

"It's funny now, but that day, I stared at her and violently shook in my adoptive creators arms." Chase answers, feeling a cold shiver in his systems as he is reminded of the stuff inflicted onto him.

"Can we get off this sad topic and get some recharge?" Boulder asks, finding this to only make the whole feeling of everyone's physical pain to be getting worse.

"If only it was that easy." Heatwave responds back, knowing none of them will recharge because the pain will keep them up all night long.

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