Tournament + Aftermath

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3rd pov:

Council Meeting-

I listened to the that was deciding on what to do with the pro bending tournament. I then saw Korra burst inside while being followed by Mako and Bolin which Tenzin said "Korra! This is a private meeting!" And then korra talked about being present since she was the Avatar and a pro bending member. I heard Mako and Bolin tried to persuade Tarrlok but the majority was against letting the tournament happen. Then as Tarrlok was about to put down the finalisation declaration. A metal cable dashed forth and broke the judge hammer. Then Lin came in to view and said "I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with the Avatar." And many were surprised as they discussed the effects of stopping the tournament and the security measures before Tarrlok agreed and decided to let the tournament continue as the leaders were on agreement.

Pro Bending Tournament-

Xie Yan followed Asami which lead to them sitting down together. Asami gives an air kiss to Mako which cause Xie to say "Stop the couple affection. My foxes will end up barfing." And Asami turned and arched an eyebrow as Kynee and Nox were looking ill. We watched the match which Xie said "The referee's been bought off. Someone doesn't want the fire ferrets eliminated." Then Asami watched Tahno and Korra were about to do a one on one to decide who wins the second round. Xie burst out laughing when Tahno knocked its helmet off and he stumbled from the small platform. As the match continued we heard grunting and saw people being electrocuted.

Xie Yan pov:

I saw Korra and the others were knocked off and electrocuted in the water I then saw a equalist lifting an electrical glove towards Asami and I swing my hand and struck the equalist and said "We need to help Korra and the others." I then jumped and landed on the lower platform and the Liutenant said "You're..." and Korra shouted "Xie!" I then cut the rope and saw the liutenant gone and I heard crystal shatter and I lightly step on the water and lightly jumped using qi before reaching Amon and his Equalists. I then swing my bo staff and blasted all equalists off the rising platform rope. I then saw Amon launched down and I blocked his strike effortlessly but then saw an equalist cut the rope I was using and a metal wire wrapped around Amon before he was pulled up. I then heard something shattered which caused me to look down before seeing Korra's falling form. I then used Shadow Bending and faded rapidly before grabbing Korra. I the saw Chief Lin fired a metal rope and I grabbed it before she swings us to the stand. We then landed before looking up at the Air ship flying away. I then grabbed the handle of my Heaven sword.


Light exploded out and then everyone saw a slash heading to the airship before the slash could hit the target the airship exploded and my eyes glow slightly as I said "They've swapped air ships... No countermeasures were deployed to my attack which means they know of my Sword Ink Intent." Then a person shouted "It's him! The Supreme King! The Avatar is with him!" Then black aura restrained the equalists remaining and I said "Chief I've restrained the remaining equalists." I then look at Tahno who was depressed and lost. Lin said "I cant believe Amon did this... I played right into his hand." Tenzin said "He played us all. Republic City is at war." I then saw civilians evacuated in fear.

Next morning-

Korra convinced Tenzin to let Mako and Bolin stay in the air temple island. She then rushed off with Naga. Tenzin said "What's wrong? You've been silent since yesterday." I then said "I think Amon has a plan to neutralise even me." And Tenzin froze in shock and said "It would take an army to bring you down, Xie Yan." I then said "I'm not the only powerful figure in the world. There's definitely hundreds that are hidden from the spotlight. I don't think I'll come out unscathed if someone on my power appeared on Amon's side. I haven't ended Amon due to the feeling of being watched but also the problem is the supporters of the equalists and Amon. They'll be more wary and untrustworthy if Amon is taken out as well as equalists." I then walk towards Korra's path as I said "I'll be going with Korra since she's excited to have her friends." And Tenzin said "Be Careful Xie Yan." I then said "Don't worry about us. Take care of yourself out there."

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